Macbook Pro high GPU usage

Hi guys!

I have a Macbook Pro 15" 2015 with only a Intel GPU and I have the same problem. If I leave Roon opened, my GPU reaches almost 100 ºC in a few minutes. However, if I minimize or close the Roon window the behavior is normal.

If you need more information, let me know!

Hello @Alejandro_Castilla_Q,

Welcome to the forum.

We are currently investigating this behavior internally and one thing that might help us better understand the issue is to install the Intel Power Gadget and share some screenshots of the GFX Frequency line when this issue is occurring. The screenshot would look like this:

If you have noticed the same behavior, I kindly request that you run this tool for both discrete and dynamic mode. Thanks!

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Hi @noris !

I can’t switch between discrete and dynamic mode because this model only has one GPU: Intel GPU. In any case, you can find my screenshots below:

  1. I just opened Roon and waited a few minutes to see what happens. All seems to be normal.

  1. Then I started to play a song, waited 2 minutes or so to see the temperature evolution, and I switched to another desktop where I had other windows and waited another few minutes. I think the temperature started to raise to dangerous levels when I left Roon in another desktop opened. You can see the evolution in the temperature graph.

  1. Finally, I switched back to the Roon desktop and I noticed that the temperature started to go down.

Hope this helps with your investigation!

Hi @Alejandro_Castilla_Q,

Thanks for providing those screenshots, they should be helpful in the investigation! I have forwarded the info over to QA and once they have a chance to review, I’ll let you know if we need anything else.

Hi @Alejandro_Castilla_Q,

Can you please check to see if the behavior is still reproducible this way?

  1. Start playback of any track
  2. Go to any album details page (except for the one which currently playing track is from)
  3. Wait for 2-3 minutes and see High GPU usage kicks in
  4. Go to album details page of track currently playing
  5. Wait for 2-3 minutes and see High GPU usage kicks in

Hi @noris ,

I have tried that and I’m not able to reproduce the issue that way. Like I said, I think the problem is in the album page of the track that is being played. Could be a problem with the album image rendering? I have tried to click on the album cover and then close the large album cover that appears, and I have noticed some spikes in the GPU frequency and in the temperature. You can see them in the screenshots below:

Hope this helps! Thank you.

Hi @Alejandro_Castilla_Q,

Thanks for sharing those screenshots and for clarifying the error state further, I have noted this in your case notes. I believe we have what we need for our investigation at the present time, thanks again for the information!

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Hello @Alejandro_Castilla_Q,

Thank you again for your report. We have been investigating this behavior internally and wish to inquire about two more aspects here, can you please perform the following tests to help clarify further?

Test 1:

  1. Go to Tracks Browser
  2. Play any track
  3. See if the issue reproduces

Test 2:

  1. Go to any playlist details page
  2. Play any track
  3. See if the issue reproduces


Hi @noris ,

Sorry for the late response. I have completed both tests without being able to reproduce the issue again. It’s a weird problem and I’m not able to reproduce it always, so I’m not sure what could be the problem. The only thing I’m sure about is the heat spikes that appear when clicking in the album cover. Maybe I had a problem with another application and I didn’t noticed.

Thanks for the help!

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Hi @Alejandro_Castilla_Q,

Thanks for running those tests, I have noted your findings on the investigation ticket with QA.

New version out today (521) still doesn’t solve this problem.
If you keep Roon on the page of the album that’s currently playing, GPU wll spike for as long as you sit on that page. Go elsewhere and usage drops immediately. Serious bug here, and it doesn’t seem to be getting any attention at all…

Hi @Alexandre_Siufy1,

We are aware of a few reports surrounding this behavior and have an active investigation into it. There have been no changes in build 521 which specifically target this behavior, and the investigation is currently with QA. I appreciate your patience while we investigate this further, thanks!

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Thanks for the prompt answer. I just wished this was taken care of sooner rather than later :slight_smile:

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Hi @Alejandro_Castilla_Q / @Alexandre_Siufy1,

We’ve released a new update, Roon 1.7 Build 528, which contains a few graphics-related improvements. Can you please let us know if there has been any change in behavior with the new update?

Please see our full release notes below:

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@noris Thank you for the hard work! I will try the new release it and get back to you.

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Hi @Alejandro_Castilla_Q,

Is there any change in behavior with the new release? Please let me know when possible, thanks!

Hi @noris,

I have been doing some tests with the new release and I think that the behavior has improved, but as I said before it’s not easy to know. One thing I have noticed is that I had some scrolling problems that are not happening now. So yes, I think there are some changes in the behavior.

Thank you again! If I find out anything else, I will let you know.

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