Moving Qobuz to Tidal

So I currently have Qobuz and Tidal with most albums saved on Qobuz . Thinking of dropping Qobuz and just keeping Tidal. Anyway for Roon to just save albums from Qobuz and moving to Tidal or must I go through the whole process? Thanks

Probably the easiest way to do this is by using Soundizz.


I intend to do the same thing … but the other way round, from Tidal to Qobuz.

Is there any way to also transfer the play count in Roon? Or further actions like “Favourites” (albums and tracks), playlists in Roon and so on?

A second vote for Soundiiz. When I first used it you could use the trial version to do a oneoff bulk transfer and then cancel it. Which Soundiiz postiively encouraged, because like Roon they know that once tried you’ll keep it (I did).

It doesn’t keep play counts or anything else that’s Roon specific tho.

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Unfortunately no. There are many related/similar feature suggestions, see here and the various links from there

ahh, that’s not ideal… another reason to leave streaming behind at least for my favourite music and hosting it myself. Thanks for helping, anyway!

Is it possible to adjust a play count manually?

Unfortunately no :slight_smile: I’m currently playing albums to a silent output all the time to create some semblance of correct counts from pre-Roon days. Quite annoying and time consuming.

This was a difficult decision, why are you moving to Qobuz?

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Actually not sure this is 100% true in regards to play counts. If the album is the same version then it should do. I only now use Qobuz for finding new music. I no longer add albums to favourites in Qobuz. I will play it via Qobuz only, if I like it I buy the album and add it to my collection. If its matched to the same version then it retains my playcount of this album. This week added two new albums that I had played a number of times via Qobuz and Roon kept this play history on my local versions, they where never added to my library.

May well be but there’s no guarantee that a version on Tidal and the Version on Qobuz are really considered the same version. It may well go automatically in some cases and not in others.

In any case, its currently too inflexible to rely on exact version equality, there are so many other reasons for transferring that info.

Agreed its not 100% either way, they really need to work on this side of things. As when you do have to remove an album and clean up which I have been forced to do on a number of occasions due to Roon point blank refusing to update metadata I changed, you lose your play history.


Good question … I’m not 100% sure neither if I will really go through with it. But Tidal strikes me more and more as a completely soulless service by an anonymous team. This might not be true though. Qobuz on the other hands seems to be made with much more love, it’s more handmade, real recommendations by a team, editorial content. I prefer to support them, although I’m not sure if they’re in for the long game.

I also ultimatively want to move away from streaming, and want to use streaming for discovering new music only, but nothing else. And the Sublime level of Qobuz is a comfortable way to get affordable hi res music files, besides Bandcamp and Soulseek.

What are your reasons for moving to Tidal?

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Well no but yes. No direct way to edit. However, if you set a track yo play the last 10 sec it will register as a play. Not something you’d want to do at scale, but, I’ve done it on albums I care about.

Will be looking at going Tidal to Qobuz too.
MQA was the only thing holding me on Tidal. I stopped using their App for Mobile listening following the launch of Roon ARC.

Just had a clear out of all the albums/tracks I had provided by Tidal that were in 24bit MQA 48/96/192/364 that are just dropped to 16/44.1, and there is not much left.

I did this a while back here

You can use Soundiz to copy your Roon library and playlist from Tidal to Qobuz or Qobuz to Tidal. Soon, after you do this, the new service will send these links back to your Roon library and playlist.

At this point, you can delete your old service, if you want. Of course any remaining playlist on the old service will point to empty links, so you can delete those. Also, if you have Roon playlist made with links to the old service, you can delete those also. Then, you can use the new playlist on the new service to save a local Roon copy. It will now be composed of links to the new service, not the old service.

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I used FreeYourMusic - I didn’t notice any problems
(and was also fortunate enough to have bought a lifetime license before they went to subscriptions)