When I add a station it doesn’t seem to add. It shows nothing in this window. Also, for the 2 stations that show in the other Live Radio window, when I try and delete one of the 2 stations that shows there, it remains, which begets the question, why are there 2 separate sections at all?.
On the first question; is this a new problem? Was it working before?
if separate, are both core and remotes on the same release version? And have you tried rebooting?
If you are using a NUC, have you added the required codecs?
I’ve moved your post to the #support category as something isn’t working as it should. If the options I have mentioned don’t work, then it will help if you post details of your setup as explained here
On your second question, it’s a matter of convenience for the user; if you have a few favourites then put them all in one place rather than search for them each time.
Hello @Lance_Goler,
So we can better assist you, please provide a brief description of your current setup using this link as a guide.
Make sure to describe your network configuration/topology, including any networking hardware currently in use, so we can have a clear understanding of how your devices are communicating.
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