New Bug in 1.8 - 778: Artist Appearances no longer show on artist page and discography [Resolved - B790]

After an update its always wise to restart again. If you think that you have a problem, reinstall the software again and restart.
I have been a roon user from the first year. I have managed to install roon on many different platforms with varied success.

I know my music is there. It’s sucks that I need to sneak up on it to find it. And so we wait. Again.


The whole concept of using a Music library mgmt software is falling on its butt if you have to go on deep research in that software to find anything :flushed:

Since 1.8, thats what I have to do constantly and it :face_vomiting::face_vomiting:me!


Make that 4 Complainants

How are you supposed to browse a library when the software misses albums

JRiver is a calling

when is the fix due , I know you wont say but I will still ask

Why does life have to be so complicated ?


I am not in charge of those answers. I‘ll delegate to Roon :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


As far as I can tell after dhecking a number of artists, this has indeed now been fixed in 783 :+1:

I agree, the suppression of “Appearances” seems to be fixed. Please take a look at this new thread about a bug I have experienced in the new build, just to keep an eye out for instances you may find in your own library.

Thanks: Build 783 Bug: "appearances" show up, but main albums do not always display

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It’s not fixed for me. Numerous albums do not show up under artist. But when I search for a specific album it does. This is all under my library. So frustrating

I have re-checked and why that specific problem described here is solved for me, there seems to be a new problem, sort of reversing the bug described here: Now you get artists “Appearances” but in some instances no longer the “Main Albums”.

The situation is described in the link posted by @Dan_Levy just above.

I have removed the “Solution” tick from my post until this situation is resolved once and for all.

This is getting ridiculous. Library management is completely unreliable and can’t be trusted. I still have no answer by @support about the unreliable identification of albums already added to the library. Roon has lost its way as music library manager, [Moderated] Come on, let’s get the basics right.


Don’t look at that man behind the curtain.
Roon as a music manager has become unusable.


This bug is not fixed.
Today I manually added credits to an unidentified album in my library, Doug Webb’s “Last Trane to Georgia.” I added a drum credit to an artist already found in the library, Robert Perkins. When I clicked on his name in the discography, just after saving the update, his page showed no appearances, not the one I added, nor the one already in my library. Yet below, there was the “Associated With” display, with photos of players that appear on the album that was already in the library.

@Andreas_Philipp1 - the ticket is in, the developers are investigating what has happened, and I expect a fix will be developed for a future build. This issue was not listed as being fixed in B783.

Personally, I see nothing amiss in Roon Labs’ Software Architect (for that is how I see @danny) in gathering input for future directions of Roon and Roon OS.

@Geoff_Coupe Unfortunately you are wrong. This problem was reported as having been fixed in the release notes but it obviously is not. See here:

Good to hear all is there for you. Thats what I thought before I looked a little closer…


I thought the complaint was about Albums not showing up - and that the Appearances and Production credits had been fixed?

Edit: if it’s not been fixed - then I’m sure that the Roonies are painfully aware of it and burning the midnight oil.

Albums on the albums page are showing up everywhere. Albums and Appearances on Artists are still showing inconsistencies. The issues are obviously related.

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Hi @bbrip & @Dan_Levy

First, I wanted to note that there is a separate issue here that is also being worked on but didn’t quite make it into this release:

Regarding the appearances issue, can you provide some screenshots of some examples of what you’re seeing? The team is looking into this and some examples of cases where this still isn’t working as expected would be a huge help!

Is this mostly occurring with unidentified albums / albums where manual credits were added, or are credits from Roon also resulting in this?

@dylan thanks for chiming in. All the albums I saw this are “indentified” albums

Credits added? Well, yes very likely. Often credits reported by metadata providers are wrong / incomplete.

Roon should pick those credits for the “Main Artist” listing that it finds next to the album cover. I guess you even call those “PRIMARY ARTIST LINKS”. ?


Briefly responding, I went back to the album that was already in my library that featured the drummer Robert Perkins. That album is a self-titled Charlie Hunter album that was identified by Roon. When I went to credits and clicked on Robert Perkins’ name, the resulting page did not display the Charlie Hunter album nor did it display the newly added album.

I will keep looking. Thanks, @dylan

Ten days ago I opened a support thread about albums which have been previously added to the library not being identified as such. Looking at an artist’s or composer’s Discography I near every day try to add one album or another, only to run into an eternally spinning wheel, because it turns out the album is already part of the library.

This has not even been acknowledged by Roon. Others have the same problem, others have chimed in. To this hour no answer by Roon, less a fix.

So, if Roon cannot even reliably identify in any page or view that an album is part of the library, its function as library manager is severely hindered. Add to this any other problem with Appearances, Credits, and so on, and I very much feel like asking for getting the basics right before dive into discussions about future developments. Maybe I am being overly cynical about that, but this to me appears as a smoke screen. Let’s discuss Mobile Roon and have them shut up about the broken library management at present.