No connection to Qobuz - Unexpected Error when logging in [Update To Roon Build 1105]

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After re registering with Qobuz every time i try and log in through roon services i get a notification saying failure.

Welcome to the community; sorry that you are having trouble.

When you say that you have re-registered with Qobuz, are you using the email address that you used to re-register in the log-in screen in Settings > Services > Qobuz?

Qobuz recently changed the rules, and instead of the short username that was originally used for the log-in, now we must use the email address of the Qobuz account in Roon.

If you are already using the email address here, then try rebooting your Roon Core and try logging in again. Thanks.

I had the same issue this morning. Qobuz tracks would not play through Roon despite being logged in correctly. I checked whether I could access music using the Qobuz app, which I could. I then decided to reset my Qobuz password and sign back in through their website then app, both of which worked. Attempting to sign back in to Qobuz through Roon however failed. I used the correct email and new password combination. Happily, rebooting my core and signing into Qobuz solved the problem.

I usually have to restart my core (running on a NAS) as well to solve access issues to Qobuz but luckily that doesnā€™t happen too often.

As others have already stated, please try to reboot your Roon Core machine and try again, this has helped many with this issue right now

I have the same issue. I rebooted my core but the issue still persists,


I managed to get it working again but completely powering off my core, not just rebooting, so maybe try that!

Experienced the same issue. Qobuz advised rebooting everything, server, modem, router, any switches. Tidal was still streaming so I was dubious but I did shut everything down, rebooted and all good.

Continuing the discussion from No connection to Qobuz - Unexpected Error when logging in [Roon Investigating]:


Same issue here since a few days nowadays.
Iā€™ve tried rebooting and it worked for 1 day.
Then same issue, and reboot didnā€™t help.
Iā€™ve cleared the Roon cache, but it doesnā€™t work.

Right now I can no more use Qobuz via ROON!!!

Please help.

Jean-Marc.(Paris, France).

I merged this back to this main topic as Roon in this instance is trying to keep all of the Qobuz problem reports together.
It is being looked at and this is the best place to be right now.

Try rebooting a couple more times.

I didā€¦.and it works again!
I donā€™t know why, but it works
For how long? That is the question!

In the same minute, I got a mail from Roon saying a new device in my area signed in to my Roon account and to do nothing if it was meā€¦ so!

And mails from members saying Iā€™ve been promoted to a new trust level :joy: and giving me a link for handy tips and tricks : whatā€™s that?

I run Roon/Qobuz through my SonicTransporter i9 controlled my an iPad.
Every couple of weeks I have no connection to Qobuz on Roon. When I attempt to login on Roon-Settings-Audio to Qobuz I am told my email or password is incorrect .
I have tried resetting my password but nothing changes.

I can login on my phone or a laptop to Qobuz with no problem. Just not on Roon program.

Any Ideas?

Thanks Brad

Brad - Iā€™ve moved your post to this Support thread (and closed and unlisted your other duplicate posts). Support have asked that all reports of this Qobuz login issue be brought together. They are investigating the issue.

Read it and find out!

Roon Core Machine

Innuos Zenith

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Lumin X1 - Ethernet

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Description of Issue

I discovered today that Qobuz was no longer logged in on my Roon core - it has been working fine for a couple of years. Roon says Qobuz is not configured. When I try to login I get a message ā€œThere was an unexpected error, please check your account detailsā€. I can login directly on the web, so the account is fine.

Hi. Have a look here:

I noticed this problem this morning, using a Nucleus plus as core on latest build. Quobuz webplayer and mobile app worked fine.

A reboot of the Nucleus appears to have resolved the issue at least for the momentā€¦

Reboot worked - thanks

Idem for me!