Not getting suggestions for me from Qobuz

On the Roon Overview page I’m not getting suggestions for me from Qobuz. I am getting Grand Selection and Top Albums. I’m also not getting Qobuz suggestions on the Album View.

Anyone else having this issue? For reference, I’m in the US.

PS - Roon Radio is also saying it’s restricted to my local library only. Odd, since I can select and play albums from Qobuz no problem (using Roon).

Same here, a lot of confusion on the overview page

Yeah, it’s being really flaky. Now it only shows Top Albums and Recommended Playlists.:roll_eyes:

The Qobuz app seems to be working normally, so there’s something going on between Roon and Qobuz. :confounded:

Edit: Now it’s only showing Top Albums. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

There seems to be a problem at Roon’s end with those Valence-related functions. They’re working on it.

Thanks. :+1: (10 char)

Cloud outages I guess.

It’s still being really flaky. Proper interfacing with Qobuz is very hit or miss. :frowning:

Right now it’s even worse

No issues using the Qobuz app.

@support , any ideas?

Are you still having issues?

No, now all is doing fine.

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It’s been hit or miss here. Sometimes it’s fine, sometimes not. It can go from fine to not within minutes. :frowning:

Hi @Saturn94,

Can you please provide some more details regarding your setup?

How are you router’s DNS servers configured, are you using Cloudflare DNS, Quad9 or Google DNS?

Setup is as follows:

Salkstream III (running Linux Arch; houses Roonserver and music files) > Netgear ProSafe GS105 ethernet switch (unmanaged) > Netgear N300 WNR 2000 v2 router > Arris SurfBoard SB 6121 cable modem. All connected by ethernet wire.

Remotes: iPad (7th Gen), iPhone 6s, iPad mini 2.

All devices running latest OS/software versions. Internet connection seems fine. I have no trouble playing Qobuz albums already added to my library.

I’m not familiar with router DNS server configuration. I logged into the router and I don’t see anything in the router settings that indicate I’m using any of those DNS servers (that I can tell). In the router settings “Domain Server Address” it is checked “Get Automatically from ISP”. We get our internet service from Cox Cable. Does this answer your question?

PS - Right now Qobuz is working fine through Roon (Roon Radio working normally as well). I’ll check it periodically throughout the day to see if it continues to work normally.

I pulled up Roon few times throughout the day yesterday, and for the most part, Qobuz behaved normally (once I had to refresh the Overview page to get the Qobuz suggestions to come up).

I’ll continue to monitor it.

I keep getting this as well, Roon radio has also bee very spotty with Qobuz.

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Thanks for the report. I think something is going on between Roon and Qobuz. It has been better yesterday and today so far.

Btw, something odd I’ve noticed, sometimes when I click on a Qobuz album/track to play, I get an error message saying track not available, but then a second or two later it plays the track normally.

This could be the DNS server problem @noris suggested you look into. You should be able to do this on your Netgear router How do I set static Domain Name System servers on my NETGEAR router? | Answer | NETGEAR Support
The Google DNS server works fine for me with Verizon service. Those are and

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Thanks for that information. That is foreign territory for me (I’m not a computer person), but I’ll check out that link.

@noris , what do you suggest?

Btw, I’ve been running Roon Radio the past hour or so and it’s been fine except for skipping one track (track not available error message).

Update: Roon Radio still playing fine, no skips since the first one I mentioned. Oddly, Roon Radio is only playing music from Qobuz, nothing from my local library despite having many of the same tracks (same resolution as well).

Hi @Saturn94,

I’m glad to hear that things are mostly working fine for you now. If you see issues return we can enable diagnostics and take a closer look at thing.

I’d also like to second Scott’s suggestion above of trying to use Google DNS (or any non-ISP DNS). In my experience ISP default DNS options can be a bit flaky compared to some of the other options out there and we tend to see performance improvements that could help in situations like this.

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So to use a different server is it a simple matter of entering the new server address in the router under “Domain Server Address”, or are there other settings that need to be changed as well? I did some Google searches and got confused/lost really fast! :thinking:

Hi @Saturn94,

You can use this guide from Netgear on how to change the DNS:
How to login to Netgear routers.

We suggest putting in an IP of or in the DNS field as per the guide.

You should also be aware that your router is very old an is an “N-style” router (no 5Ghz support). You might want to upgrade the router for better overall performance too and chance the DNS alongside it as well.

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