Nothing happens

hi after re installing roon because nothing happened, it still happens after logging in

can anybody help me, brgs Per Bresson(from denmark)

flagging @support

To assist them, you should report your computer operating system (Windows, Mac, Linux, etc.) and a description of your network setup. See:

I moved this to the Support section of forum.

See this link for how to report a problem.

Hello @Per_Bresson,

Can you please use these instructions to send me a set of your Roon logs for review?

Hi Noris,

I have solved it,I think it was win-sec, that bloked the app.

Now, i have to make mqa files to play without dropouts(player: Chromecast audio)

I will try the FAQ-sektion
brgds Per

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Hi @Per_Bresson,

Thanks for letting us know that you were able to resolve this issue!

We are looking into an issue with Chromecast Gapless playback, if you are by any chance referring to this issue, please see:

Please let us know if you run into any other issues with Roon!

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