@Carl, @Ben_Kanspedos, @support
After starting from scratch with both Core and GUI on the same Windows machine (music files residing on a NAS) the “Open file location” link has disappeared from the “View file info” screen.
It used to be there previously when I had the “full Roon” installed. After having had performance issues (see Applying library settings taking several days after Core migration), I decided to go with a separate installation of, first RoonServer and, secondly the Roon GUI.
But both are still installed on the very same Windows machine. Why then can’t I use this “Open file location” link anymore? It is such a fuss having to copy the file path to the clipboard first and then start a new windows explorer and then navigate to the desired folder!
Except in very specialized instances which probably don’t apply in your case, Roon Server and the Roon GUI ( by GUI I assume you mean the full Roon package, which already has Server incorporated) shouldn’t (needn’t?) be running on the same machine.
Pick one and disable the other. See if that makes a difference. Even if it doesn’t solve this particular problem, my advice about excluding either Server or ‘GUI’ still holds.
Make sure to do a Roon library backup first.
BTW - I’m just another user who happened upon this thread and is chiming in, but you’ll get quicker responses to your support questions if you tag @support, rather than individuals.
Hi @Hans_Valeton,
This feature is only available for the all-in-one installs of Roon. Using Roon as a remote, even from the same machine, does not give you this option.
Since this appears to be “working as designed” I would recommend also posting your suggestion in the 'feature request" section of the site.
Our product team and developers keep a close eye on that category, so that’s definitely the best place to propose a change like this and get feedback from the Community.
Thanks, @dylan
I will surely do that.
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