Parametric EQ in signal path but no DSP function enabled

Description of Issue

Hi, I have since quite some time a Rose RS150 but recently I notice I see Parametric EQ in the Signal path although I have no DSP functions enabled. I do not see this when playing DSD format.

How can I disable this ?

Thanks for your help.

If you searched the forum a bit, you’d have found several posts like yours.

Haven’t really followed up on them, since I’m not using a Rose.

On closely inspecting signal path, you’d see that it’s not within Roon but the Rose (likely erroneously) reporting having engaged filters itself.

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@Suedkiez Thanks!
Was there any solution reported ?

Have you asked Rose tech support. Roon is displaying what the Rose is telling Roon it is doing.

It’s 17 posts to read in the other threads :slight_smile: I don’t remember the details and don’t have a Rose

I did not as I did not see this before but will do. Thanks

On the Rose community someone mentions the following:

“ It seems like Roon is enforcing the EQ setting of Rose streamer regardless of the actual setting on Rose. I could change the EQ of my RS250 to “folk” or “custom 3” and the Roon signal path happily displayed that, even though the EQ was set to “off” on Rose…”

The RS150 does not even show the EQ option

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