Please report station errors here

The Radio Station „Sunshine Live“ doesn‘t work actually.
Would be nice if it can be fixed.

Hello @Michael_Graf , the station Sunshine Live was not in our database., I assume it was one you have added yourself?

Anyway, I’ve added it now, please check if OK.

The BBC radio MP3 streams have disappeared, there are only AAC streams which QNAP NAS cannot play. Is it possible to have these restored at all please.


Hello @Andrew_Seddon , I am sorry for your inconvenience; the BBC MP3 streams are being discontinued by the BBC and have been removed from Roon accordingly, see

Your QNAP should be able to play aac streams - the ffmpeg used may need to be updated; there are a number of threads about this, for example

However, in the meantime, I can temporarily restore the MP3 file for the BBC station you are missing if you tell me which one it is.

Hi - for some reason, 93XRT station keeps pausing after a few minutes of playing the stream. I have to keep hitting play to keep it going. Any idea why this might be happening with the stream? Thanks so much.

Hello @timmo , there are three streams for that station - are you having trouble with all of them or just one?

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Thanks @BrianW - I didn’t even realize there were multiple streams to choose for radio stations (learn something new everyday). I was using the AAC 128 stream, and will now try the 2 other streams that are 64 bit to see if same behavior happens and will report back. Thanks for quick response!

Hi @BrianW - I confirm that it happens with all 3 streams for 93XRT. Thanks.

As the streams are US only, I can only do limited testing here in the UK, but I have not been able to reproduce the issue here.

However, I know another user who also listens to this stream, and I wonder if he also is seeing problems. That will enable us to narrow things down somewhat.

@Robert_F - could you possibly test and report please? Thank you.

I just checked 93XRT playing a number of songs in Roon using the 128k AAC, 64k AAC, and 64k mp3 streams and all played without issues (I am based here in the US). So from my limited sample size no problems to report with each stream.


Hmmmm … interesting. Thanks @Robert_F for testing it. It happens for me when I play it on the remote app on Mac mini and fire tablet (haven’t tried other devices). So I wouldn’t think it would be device-specific based on my sample tests. Maybe a network issue going on. It’s been doing this for a few weeks now (and I rebooted my core multiple times since then).

After reading your note, I ran each stream from my iPhone 14 Pro and still no issues with playback stopping or pausing. Do you have pausing issues with any other parts of Roon? This may be a network symptom, but don’t have enough information.

Now that you mention it, I do have pausing issues frequently when using Airplay with Roon. If I switch to Sonos speakers instead, the pausing is greatly reduced (so now I am using Sonos because the pausing has been driving me batty with Airplay … I prefer Airplay though for a few reasons). When it pauses, it is usually at the end of a song and I have to hit play again.

But for live radio …. It pauses so frequently like within a minute or two of hitting play for the past few weeks. I don’t understand that (it’s not ‘switching tracks’ like my music library files).

@timmo, this could be a network issue with your WiFi. It may be worthwhile creating a new Support post and see if the Community can help you.

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I agree. It doesn’t appear to be a radio station issue.

…And thank you for helping out.


Thanks for your help, I have managed to update ffmpeg on the QNAP NAS and the BBC streams are now working.



just to let you know that Virgin Radio has changed its name to Europe 2

and if you can also add "Alouette FM



Thank you @Jean-Luc_Descout , Virgin Radio France is now Europe 2.

I see there are other associated streams with the station, I’ll add those later.

I have added Alouette FM for you, please check if OK.

Thank you Brian!
@Jean-Luc_Descout I have just configured Roon’s METADATA SERVICE so that you can enjoy song artist, title and hyperlinks to Roon’s database.

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Thank you Brian for your responsiveness :wave:

Alc how do you get the album and title on the radio page; options in roon to activate?

I’m under Roon server driven by IPAD

thanks for your answer
