Printing Roon User Manual

Printing Roon User Manual, is it possible.

The user manual is being changed all the time when new features are added or things changed.

Go green and read online or only print the pages you must.

I would rather have a slightly outdated manual in print than no printed manual at all. So: Can it be printed?

The same is true for other topics like room correction etc., where scrolling through a thread is not practical due to the complexity of the matter.

Search the Forum and you’ll find a link to a PDF that a user prepared, but it’s going to be out of date.

Edit: Here it is. Use at own risk.

Now, just because I really don’t have anything better to do right now, I think that reading a book 100 times it’s greener than powering the computer for 100 times… :slight_smile:

Ok when you look at it like that maybe the computer is not so green either. Tablet maybe :wink:

It is indeed a bit out of date. I got zero support and active discouragement for my efforts from Roon staff. I figured I knew when I was not welcome. No point pursuing it when it is not supported or encouraged. Rather disappointing though. The Roon docs are badly duplicative, disorganized, and describe different versions. And not everyone wants to navigate web pages up, down, left and sideways to learn about Roon. Some of us like a proper TOC and an organized document. Ahhh well - they left me somewhat bitter.

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I think Roon comes from the generation of people who don’t read manuals in a linear fashion like the old days. Modern software just isn’t like that.
You can dip in and out anywhere and learn as you go. You can’t break it, so just try stuff.

There is a lot to find out though and this is where the forum comes to the fore on a very positive way. Stuck with something just ask and a Tablet seems like the best way to go.
Welcome to the 21st century for better or worse I think we are stuck with it.


Agreed. When I first heard about Roon from Hans Beekhuyzen’s YouTube channel, I read the Roon overview and detailed architecture webpages. Those got me 80% of the way there. I watched more of Hans’ videos and that got me the rest of the way. Roon can be glitchy but I at least have not found it hard to understand.

What ROON should do ( but somehow I know they will not ) is make tutorials on Youtube.


Or link to credible people who have done this.

Zero support and active discouragement? I thought Mike was appreciative, but he did warn you upfront that things would be in a continual state of flux…

There’s probably another major change on the way with the introduction of an Internet Radio directory in the next release, together with a bunch of minor tweaks. Then there’s the major UI changes that have been bruited about for what seems like the past two years. If, and when, they finally appear, it will almost certainly mean a major re-write of all the current KB.

No Geoff, Mike was not appreciative. You were not to know - you did not see the PM’s. Roon saw no value in my little effort. They don’t need to tell me twice. There shall be no further effort. You can’t fight city hall. I tried to help support this cool project, but it was not to be.

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