Problem with artist/album artist identification


I’m having issues with how artists are being grouped. For example I have the artist (いきものがかり) Ikimono-gakari which I have tagged to have the album artist in romaji and the artist in Japanese. Roon is splitting and creating two artists one with the Japanese name and one in romaji with different albums presented in each


There is some overlap in the albums displayed but there are also some albums that show up under one field but not the other. I have edited the “performed by” tags of both to be identical which had zero effect.

In iTunes all of the same albums group under the correct (いきものがかり) Artist and Album Artist (Ikimono-gakari) tags so the problem appears to have something to do with how roon is reading and processing the tags.

Any suggestions on how to remedy this issue are appreciated.

Same issue here: I have two albums by Nobukazu Takemura, one is mapped to the western type, the other to Asian signs. I have managed to alter the Asian to display the readable (for me ;)) name but it is still shown as two artists.

Maybe a merge artist option could be useful.

Good move with Roon 1.1 able to edit metadata. However, I just tried to edit an artists name. I have a bunch of albums by The 13th Floor Elevators, but a few of them appear under a separate artist - 13th Floor Elevators.

Now I can fix this I thought, and proceeded to change the name of the arist. When I click save however, it doesn’t seem to work - it simply lists the new name above the existing name, and keeps it separate from the other albums; see screenshot:

What’s going on?

I think you would have to change the Source file name in your Library (ID3 Tags) to achieve what you want as that is the main file name. Then have Roon re scan the folder to pick it up.
Thoughts, Chris

in this case, your album’s “performed by” field, which is just a piece of text, usually trying to match what is written on the cover of the album, is set to “The 13th…”

However, the main performer for this album is linked to the artist named “13th…”. If they were they same, we’d hide the “performed by” field and just show the main performer. So you have 2 options: either change the “performed by” to match the main performer, or change the name of the main performer.

From what I can see on your album cover (and what I just looked up on Wikipedia), the band does not have a “the” in their name. I would change the “performed by” to not have the “The”.

Thanks danny. How do I change the “main performer” in Roon - I can’t find this option.

I read the response differently. I think Danny means, in your files tags, not in the Roon editing layer.

We don’t allow editing of the “objects” in Roon metadata yet. Things like Works, Composers, Performers, etc… none of the links between items can be manipulated in this editing release.

This editing release exposes the 3 layers and the fields where the values can be typed in one simple field. The more comprehensive editor will come later.

If you want to change the main performer’s name, visit the main performer and edit their name.

… visit the main performer and edit their name.

pictures large lantern jawed thug standing over anxious musician scribbling out a deed poll: “cos Mr Extracampine’s tags won’t make sense ovverwise and we don’t want him to get upset now do we … ?”

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Lol@andybob. That conjured an interesting image. I’m not sure if that’s what Danny meant :smiley: or was it? I’m actually not too sure. Either way, I’m glad Danny that you mention a more comprehensive editor coming later, sounds great.

I’m still struggling with this. How do I change the “main performer” tag? I opened the files in Mp3Tag, but didn’t see the main performer field listed.

One of my artists seems to be split into 2, with 2 albums under 1 version and 1 album under the other. They both have the same name:

Why are they separate, and how can I group them together?

I have renamed the Artist folder name in my store. You can always change it back.
Example, Otis Lee Crenshaw and the Black liars was changed to Otis Lee Crenshaw with the Black Liars.
That’s comedian Rich Hall’s band if you didn’t know.

All artist folders have the same artist name for this band though.

Have a close look at genres and make sure they are the same.
I have fixed some of these in my collection, but others remain persistent like yours.
You could try adding the same artist image to both artists.
Just clutching at straws, but worth a try.

Thanks Chris - but even the 2 albums that are group together have slightly different genres. I genre’d the 3rd one to match one of the two grouped ones, but no difference.

Also, neither of them have any artist image set (see above).

A you can add artists images, the bigger files the better as they go ‘Cross Screen’. Worth having a play as it’s fun and may help so not a waste of time.

One I added Earlier on my Galaxy Tab A. The Rosellys recorded live at the Little Rabbit Barn

I just tried setting the artist picture as the same for each - but no change, they are still listed as separate artists.

Worth a try but at least the pictures can look cool. I am out of idea’s but perhaps the next upgrade will resolve it. If I think of. Anything more, I’ll chime in again. Chris

Thanks anyway Chris. Maybe one of the devs can comment?

I’m having the same problem with the same artist. I’ve tried everything I can think of and I can’t get them to show up as one artist.