Qobuz Music favorites disappeared from library [Roon Team Investigating]

Same here!

I do adore spending time in troubles instead in listening music… it is simply marvelous :rage:

Roon only.

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Same here, from Spain. Everything shows up in qobuz but not in roon.

Qobuz favorites remain in Qobuz. The problem is only in Roon
Yesterday after I lost all Qobuz favorites, I added manually a few ones
Today they disappeared again -> manual recovery is not an option ! (and I have more than 1000 albums in Qobuz)
When adding TODAY a new favorite in QOBUZ, it appears in Roon
Albums added yesterday in TIDAL didn’t disappear today
Another strange thing : this morning, while playing an album that had disappeared and re-appeared yesterday, Roon suddenly stopped playback. The album had disapeard, followed by all the others.
The tracks were not in HISTORY !
Now I have in settings/library/Library maintenance/clean Up library “clean up 17557 deleted files”
Yesterday, they came back after cleaning up but I won’t do it every day :fearful:
It’s a nice bug in the communication between Roon and QOBUZ.
Hope it clarifies

It’s only occurring in Roon.

This is the scenario

  1. Albums that were in Roon and QoBuz prior to today are missing from Roon but still present in QoBuz
  2. If you add an album in Roon it will replicate to QoBuz
  3. If you add an album in QoBuz it will replicate to Roon
  4. If you un-favorite an album that is missing in Roon using QoBuz and immediately re-favorite it it will appear in Roon.
  5. If you access a missing QoBuz album in Roon in the list of QoBuz albums the play count is preserved until the Roon server is rebooted
  6. A database restore temporarily brings back the missing albums and they then subsequently disappear a few minutes later.
  7. I have a high number of deleted files showing in the database cleanup area. Cleaning makes no difference.

Located in Germany, all Qobuz tracks disappeared, only local ones available. When I go to Qobuz / My Qobuz / Favorite Albums, all tracks show up, but not in the recently added list. Library maintenance shows all Qobuz items as deleted.

It was only in Roon for me. I run Roon on Windows 10 and I got all of my albums back, bit by bit, by closing down the Roon Server and the restarting it, several times. This was after restoring from most recent backup.

Is your play count correct for the albums that have come back?

Rebooting the Roon server for me lost the number of times played.

Yes, that info has gone for me as well. But the albums are back in the Library

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Apparently you are the lucky guy here.
With me nothing is moving, and I have restored 3 times, and I do not know how many times I have restarted my server.

It’s weird because I can’t work out why. Obviously we don’t know what’s gone wrong at present. Hopefully get some news soon.

My Qobuz favorites appear to be fully restored in Roon now.

Did you do anything to make that happen?

Same here. Will the madness ever cease?

Not back here :cry:

Not back here

It depends

If you add them back in they say that they are added today.

However, if you do a database restore after items have been added back they revert to the original added date.

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I am wondering if someone from roon could tell us if we should do anything on our end. The library maintenance shows deleted files. Should they be cleaned up? Should we not touch anything until a fix?

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