Qobuz tracks 'unavailable' in Roon but available in Qobuz app

I’ve encountered a version of this problem, and I wonder if anyone has any insights into how I might fix it easily.

Many of the albums from BIS and a few other labels I’ve favorited in Qobuz show all tracks unavailable. Usually in these cases, there is a version with available tracks under the “versions” tab, and I can restore the missing tracks by adding that version and deleting the old one. It appears that Roon has lost its connection with the correct tracks and retained the album information as a placeholder that leads nowhere. Perhaps Qobuz updated its servers without communicating the change to Roon, or to my Roon core.

I’d like to avoid going one by one through all the BIS albums in my collection. Is there any way I can get Roon to connect to the correct versions of these albums in bulk?

Thanks for the link with that explanation.

It would be great if Roon could find a way to keep library albums intact in cases of server migration like this. Apart from the time required to update each album individually, with this method play counts and any metadata edits associated with the old albums are lost.


Yes it’s annoying that everything like playcounts, tags, hearts, credit edits, etc., are tied to specific versions and lost in such cases. There are feature suggestions for this


I just finished going through my BIS titles to update them. What a PITA. This is one reason I prefer my local collection over streaming services.