Radio Paradise MQA / Metadata Update

I’ve searched the forums but can’t seem to find an up to date situation / status in regard to Radio Paradise. So questions are:

  1. Does it now support MQA in the highest possible quality in Roon?

  2. Playing it through Roon, no display information appears for me. Is there something I need to do or is this still an outstanding issue / requirement?

Thanks in advance.

It’s easier to see what you experience if you post some screenshots of what you’re seeing (or not) but i have no issues with the metadata-stream associated with Radio Paradise Maon Mix in FLAC:

However, i fail to see where you got the impression that RP is transmitting MQA streams? (thankfully, they don’t as far as i know, as it would only be realtime lossy compression for obscure reasons)

Radio paradise does (maybe did now) provide an MQA stream but is exclusive to BluOS players.

Radio Paradise MQA Audio Coming Exclusively to BluOS Players – BluOS


Yeah, i remembered that Lenbrook does some manipulating on the RP stream for their BluOS devices.

It is not available in Roon though, afaik.

However, @Oliver_Buxton, you can make Roon unfold the first step of the MQA origami by going into Settings-Audio, select the audio device/Zone you wish.
Select Advanced and scroll down a bit in the settings, you’ll see a setting there regarding Roons behavioir regarding MQA material.
Roon will not do the final part of the unfolding though, the “rendering”. No software players will, and they all require an MQA aware DAC to finalize the MQA origami.

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That is correct. It’s indeed exclusive.

That is possible only for MQA albums from Tidal, own library, or Qobuz, but not Radio Paradise MQA because the latter is not available to Roon.

Not sure about this. There is a recent thread about it:

Thank you for the various responses thus far.

I am outputting through a Bluesound Node X, and I noticed the MQA functionality within their app. I was thrilled to see that Radio Paradise could be played via Roon, thereby allowing me to use Roon as my go-to place. It’s a shame the MQA feed is not available via Roon, perhaps this is something they will work on, subject to MQA remaining a thing (I hear it may be binned?).

And yes, regarding the meta data, no joy - hopefully the integration with Roon will improve in future updates and this thread can be updated accordingly.


Just for clarity, you have to use this specific link (add it manually to Roon) for included Meta feed also:

Since it’s exclusive, it cannot be available in Roon.

If I’m not mistaken, the MQA you got is 16/44.1 MQA. Do you actually heard it sounds better than 16/44.1 FLAC?

Not true any more. The Metadata service introduced by @alec_eiffel extracts the metadata via external calls and adds it to the display.

Furthermore, RP have informed us that the …/flacm links can be flaky and asked us to remove them from our database URLs.

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Thanks for that additional information Brian. I’ll use the link built in to Roon then; I’m just not getting the display correctly with either.

I get 44.1kHz 24 bit MQA Studio 352.8kHz.

Yes it sounds better to me.

Did you try the upsampling options in Roons MUSE? I tend to think it’s the upsampling result you like, rather than the MQA special sauce.
I might be all wrong of course…

Yes, and am still continuing to experiment …

Thank you.

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Any success here ? Can somebody say what I have to type for the stream link have to to get FLAC and Metadata for the globa-world mix in best quality ? I have tried but never get more then 44/16 on my Trinnov/Roon. Robert

You won’t get more than 44/16 for Flac streams as that’s the max it streams at. MQA is exclusive to Blusound.

Thanks.Is there a hope that we can get it ?

No it’s an exclusive tie in.

Thanks, understand. I guess, Roon/Tidal maybe can do that by software „decoding“ , but it cold be against some „rights“ ? Anyway, it’s bad to have such a good radio source and get not the full potential with the great Roon features.

The MQA streams are only available via BluOs It has nothing to do with decoding or Roon. When I had my NAD T778 I really couldn’t tell the difference between the regular Flac streams and the MQA ones. I don’t think your missing much at all when a big chunk of MQA has an ORFS of 44.1/24 anyway.

It’s good this conversation is still progressing. I am not in a position personally to technically comment with any level of authority, but I can say that I do hear a difference using the MQA feed on my Bluesound Node X than the normal FLAC stream. I wanted to reiterate that, as for me at least, it is a distinct benefit.