All good here on three Pi 4b’s, feeding Chord Hugo, Chord Qutest and Roksan K3.
Thank you Harry
All good here on three Pi 4b’s, feeding Chord Hugo, Chord Qutest and Roksan K3.
Thank you Harry
All good here with 4 Rpi4b’s
XL and regular RoPieee where to download, need both versions, thank you
XL version doesn’t exists anymore, RoPieee version includes now all the features of “old” XL and can be found here
Time for another release!
Besides some under the hood work related to the merger of XL and regular RoPieee these are the important things:
Due to the staggered roll-out this release can take up to a few days to reach your device.
And as always: enjoy!
Exactly … merger
sorry do not understand i at first, you are right
Ropieee website should mention that there is only one version?
There is. You can only download one version. The XL menu is also renamed.
Ahh, got it
On behalf of all the USBridge users, thank you very much for this.
I just preordered the Raspi 5 and will give it a shot with Ropieee….if my Allo hat still fits
Woops, today i went through some issues mentioned above and finally solved it with a reflash.
Was replying in de previous thread: Ropiee failes to start (first initializing, now only wifi) - #5 by Thomas_Vandromme
in the future I will reply in this thread about the update.
So solved now, but took a lot of time.
Hi @spockfish, not sure exactly of the issue but I have one of my Ropieee XL installs stuck on 1069 stable. While others have updated to 1116 stable without issue. The one stuck on 1069 stable had been in a state where it didn’t fully update as it had an undefined download on it but didn’t see the update button until I turned my device landscape as suggested in a previous post.
Any ideas on the one device stuck on 1069 is it just a case of waiting or do I need to reflash.
What are you missing with your PI4 or PI3? Do you expect “better sound”?
What are you missing with your PI4 or PI3? Do you expect “better sound”?
Not at all…the Pi4 will remain there…When I get the Pi5, I will simply test it for curiosity sake. Then the Pi4 goes back in duty.
It took some time but both my Pi 2W and 4B updated without problem. Thanks again!
I commonly use 1 Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Rev 1.2 as a ROON endpoint, and as a UPNP media renderer for Foobar 2000. RoPieeeXL 2023.09 (1116) was installed last night, and UPNP isn’t working anymore. I reflashed 2 times using two different SD cards two different machines and both the compressed and uncompressed install files. (Using the compressed one solved the same UPNP issue with the previous manual install on a fresh SD card) No luck this time
@spockfish … my Pi3 and Pi4 do not update still
(yes: always on, both, and set to automatic updates, both)
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What isn’t working exactly? Can you see the device/service?