Rock issues with nuc8

Hi,hopefully someone can help me with my nuc8 and figure out why I can’t get the Roon OS on it. I can get into bios and check the legacy box and also complete the other steps but no boot order ever displays itself. I re-installed the Ram and ssd also.

Thanks for any assistance.

you are missing the boot media… ssd?

Hi, thanks for the response.My ssd shows up in the device tab but not in the boot screen and I see nowhere to set priority.

Unfortunately I have not made any headway with my nuc. I tried another m2 but encountered the exact same thing, I also tried a few different USB drives with the Roon OS.
Would anyone have any ideas as what else I could try?


J’ai un problème un peu similaire
J’installe sans problème RoonOS à partir de la clé de demarrage mais ensuite impossible de rebooter à partir du SSD.
Pourtant mon SSD apparait bien dans la Legacy Boot Priority

Si quelqu’un voudrait bien m’aider
Merci beaucoup !

Have a look at this solution.

Intel have dropped support for Legacy Boot. I’m not sure which NUC’s support booting from M.2. But, I know that a lot of computer manufacturers have stopped supporting it from 2020.

I have a NUC8i3BEH machine running ROCK and had no problems finding the M.2 drive, without setting anything in BIOS.

Is this a new, for you, NUC? Have you tried installing another OS as an experiment? It sounds like ROCK has not been installed on the drive. Did you get thru the first stage of the ROCK install Ok?

This would seem to be a different problem if you see the M.2 as a bootable drive.

What happens when you try to boot from it?

Thanks to everyone for the help. I see my m.2 drive in the PCI section but not as a bootable drive nor anywhere to select boot order as I have seen in screenshots etc.

It sounds like your ROCK download has not done its job.

What did you use to make the USB stick bootable?

Bonjour à tous,
Mon problème a été résolu par un downgrade du BIOS de mon NUC8i3 d’une version très récente du 07 octobre vers la précédente version du 24 septembre dernier.
Tous mes problèmes ont été résolus, mon ROCK fonctionne parfaitement bien désormais

Voilà, espérant que ce post puisse vous être également utile.

I used balena etcher and have tried a few different USB sticks with no success. It seems it’s more a case of the nuc not seeing my ssd as bootable, I tried to find a previous Bios version but no luck finding it online.

You don’t boot from the SSD, you need to boot from the USB so it can install the OS and app to the SSD.

F10 at boot and choose the USB


Parfois, il n’est pas bon d’être sur le fil du rasoir.

I tried a fresh download of the Roon image on a usb stick again but still no good.

Should my bios look like the image included?

Assuming you are doing this and it isn’t working then I suggest a different installer. Etcher has always been 50/50 for me.

Try Rufus.

Oui, j’ai bien le même type de BIOS que vous.
Je pense qu’il ne s’agit pas de votre clé image de ROCK, j’ai moi aussi pensé à cela et testé Rufus également sans succès.
Seul le downgrade de mon BIOS m’a permis de traiter le problème : je vous recommande de tester
La version antérieur au dernier BIOS publié est disponible sur le site INTEL.
Attention, il faut ouvrir le NUC et retirer le cavalier de sécurité du BIOS qui interdit le downgrade. Sans cela, vous aurez un message d’incompatibilité du BIN que vous souhaitez charger.

Bon courage, j’ai moi-même un peu galéré pour trouver le problème

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@danny, something that should looked at (or not because it involves a GEN8)?

To me that looks like it’s still using UFEI? I don’t have a NUC, but is there Legacy settings?

Yes, agree with @Formula - that screenshot looks as though you are still stuck in UEFI mode.

Have a read of this thread, it’s for a NUC10, but it may be relevant for your NUC8 if Intel have updated the BIOS…