By any chance, do we have a fix here for QNAP users encountering an issue since a few months with Roon losing track of local folders consistently after each and every restart of app or NAS…?
The artist images are still in circles which cuts off bandmates. I hate the circles, please do rounded rectangles at least if you can’t stomach actual squares or rectangles.
PS, I blame apple and Johnny Ive for this stupid circle picture thing. I love my apple gear, but damn the design choices are so weird sometimes.
If you’re feeling adventurous it can be hacked (on Mac and Windows at least):
Take a look at this thread for further details.
On a retina Mac, the specific file I needed to edit was:
I think you just linked back to this thread?
Yep. Not sure how that happened. Here’s the correct thread:
Thanks for your note, Mike. first no one promised Chromecast would be fixed with the most recent update. I would say people were eager to announce you are aware of the problem and a new release was coming out soon. It was a missed opportunity to be frank, because no one said it wouldn’t be in the update. It might be a good time to update the community on what all issues you are aware of, and how you are compartmentalizing/prioritizing things - Group 1, 2, etc.
Thanks for all the work.
Odd are you on 12 or lower?
Not for me still not seeing it for my Pixel 4 other updates have come out bit this though.
Lower - 11.
Got it finally.
Smooth update and much faster loading of images - thanks! Just one small “issue”: At the end of the the update process my Rock Core “added” 551 tracks and identified them (again). Why did this happen and how do I know what has actually been changed after the re-identifications?
Tidal and Qobuz not playing anymore after the upgrade.
Tried rebooting the core, cleared caches. No effect.
Am I the only one experiencing this ?
Have you checked under settings:service that both services are still signed in?
If they are maybe try signing out of them inside Roon and resigning back in.
This is wonderful! Roon should adopt this and satisfy everyone. Differentiates between albums and artists but doesn’t sacrifice photo real estate and makes visual scanning so much easier.
Unfortunately, I need it on Android.
I’m still deciding if it’s a placebo effect, but the current version sounds better.
Did roon include the update to fix the scrolling issues in the ios remote,the fix didn’t make the last update but they said it would be in the next one
No they said it was in alpha testing and may make the next one, meaning the next one after this.
did the update last night. No issues but didn’t have time to play with it intensively. So far, much better.
ridiculous,how much longer do they need to fix a scrolling issue,its already took them 24months
Well obviously they don’t use playlists & history a lot otherwise they would have also addressed this one in the range of related bugs concerning preserving scroll position After lockscreen loosing position in playlists on iOS
@mike Can you shed some light? This is unfortunately annoying for iOS users every single time when using playlists/history.