I agree with this and do regularly contribute, they do an amazing job
Same here. Since the update, there is no info at all.
Hi xoph, is the new Roon softwareversion installed on all your devices? Including core? Yesterday my Android Roon remote did not show up in the new releases part of Google. Went to the Roon app page itself on Google Play store, and there I could upgrade.
It works now thanks. Very nice feature!!
Then something isn’t working right on your end. The update is an addition - of Wikipedia album pages. The old data (All Music, now known as TIVO) should still be there.
You should be able to change the priority of the Wiki content by moving it up and down the list. I have it set to old school TiVo.
It’s in addition, not a replacement. Edit your sources and the order as needed.
As far as I can tell from above posts, it is working for everyone after updating core AND remotes. (Though apparently some existing WP entries are not found, I am sure this will be fixed)
If everything is gone for you please ensure that everything is up to date and post screenshots of your sources configuration in Settings > General, and example albums/artists.
Expand the description with the downward arrow to see the sources list on the right:
This is how it should be, note that the TiVo review still exists and it’s my default:
There is a support thread about an issue that seems like yours. This is obviously some kind of bug, resolved in this case, check there:
Hope that once you get your updates working you enjoy it as much as other folks here have. Enjoy the music, and have a lovely day!
You could try actually reading the details before ranting.
I love this feature.
I don’t run early access and I’m getting used to watching the cool kids have fun stuff while I wait. I waited with anticipation for this and it was worth it.
First experience was listening to Anais Mitchell’s eponymous album which had no contextual text at all. I got the update notification while doing that, updated my client, and got my first taste.
This is such a great idea.
I donate to Wikimedia yearly but this feature will significantly increase my usage so I just went and made another donation.
Thank you!
Now just have to wait for CarPlay and then probably wait for something else cool! I don’t want to drag my family into Early Access and, besides, I can do with a little training in patience.
So wise. My family has been dragged in, and that may, on balance, have been unwise of me. Beta testing is a sport that is better solo than team. They are back to using Sonos & Spotify (which they are fine with, so so am I)
My kids are in college and come and go. We have an unspoken contract which involves me not making it too complicated for them to plop down somewhere and play something. After a couple of years of Roon, we agreed that we were all in and I ditched the Sonos/Spotify/Apple Music parallel infrastructure. Now we’re all in on Roon - everyone has a profile, everyone loves it. There is no plan B.
Great Wikipedia integration!
The persons referenced in the bios and reviews used to be displayed in thumbnails, with names, to the right of the screen on Mac and Windows. This seems to be gone, also for the TiVo stuff, but there are still links in the text. Is it suposed to be that way or am I missing some setting? I miss the thumbnails.
If the thumbnails are permanently gone, would it be possible to have the list of different bios/reviews somehow stay on top of the screen to make it easier to switch between them, like with the Overview and Discography tabs?
I see multiple sources for reviews on my iMac & MacBook Pro but ALL reviews have disappeared from my iPhone & iPad. Since I use the iOS devices as remotes and see no reviews on them this seems to be a (hopefully temporary) downgrade.
Dare I dare to ask if you have edited your Editorial sources in Settings - General on your remotes?
I discovered thanks to this forum that the Roon “update all devices “ didn’t, in fact, update all. For my iOS devices I went to the App Store and found that there we updates for my iPad and iPhone. After installing, I now have multiple editorial sources available.
I now am on ROON 2.0 build 1182 and have lost all information on artists, albums etc. what the heck? What have I missed?
Not saying it’s your case but the very same symptoms happened to me, and manually updating the Roon Remote via Google app store fixed it.
(My Roon Remote, despite not being the latest version, was showing the “Editorial sources” section in Roon settings. That got me confused initially, I wrongly assumed it must be the latest version because of that while in fact it wasn’t.)
Thank you! While I thought core and remotes had updated at the same time, They had not. All is good now.
@brian , why not use a multilingual last.fm as a source of information?