Roon ARC - Two Issues

Hello Benjamin,

thank you about asking those additional question - please be so kind and aswer me just this one question:

  • Are you using ARC yourself? Because if so, please let me know if you don’t have this bug. Because I know no ARC user who hasn’t the problem. it seems to be a bug since day one.

To answer your questions:

  • I mostly ban tracks using roon remote. Sometimes when using ARC, but 90% of time using Roon Remote. In Roon Remote it works perfectly, ARC just doesn’t ignore banned tracks and plays them like they wouldn’t be banned. You can only ban a track once, because if you ban it again you unban it. I don’t really understand the question. A track is banned or NOT banned. You can’t ban a track ten times.

  • Yes, there is a pattern: I ban the songs which I don’t like. Simple as that.

  • No, there are no fully banned artists, because in this case I would just delete them from my NAS, Qobuz or Tidal. It doesn’t make sense for me to have a banned artist in my library. To precice my answer before any strange follow-up-question shows up: I have no banned artists in my library.

  • What do you mean with “repeating” tracks? ARC is just playing the music, in this case e.g. an album which I select and press play. It doesn’t repeat songs. It just plays the whole album, ignoring “banned” tracks. Also, when I just do shuffle mode (e.g. my whole library. or a certain artist, album, etc.) It’s like the function “ban a song” wouldn’t exist and work. I don’t know how to make myself more clear.

  • In the few times when Roon Radio is working in ARC (please note this Topic) and THIS topic and also also THIS topic it doesn’t play banned tracks.

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