InnuOS Zenith Mk3
8GB RAM (4GB Dedicated for RAM Playback)
SSD Storage
Quad-core Intel CPU
Networking Gear & Setup Details
FritzBox 7530
and as a dedicated Audio Network Switch the AQVOX SE (Tried it with and without switch, no change to the problem)
Connected Audio Devices
Streamer: Weiss DSP502 via Cat5e Network Cable
Number of Tracks in Library
40.000, using CD-Rips, Qobuz and Tidal
Description of Issue
I’m a very active user of the roon ARc software - I really like using it, although I have some bugs and problems, one of the major issues concernig Roon ARC Radio is discussed HERE. I have already one open topic where we still have no solution but while I’m waiting for help/ a solution for my topic I discovered two additional issues which I’d love to talk about here.
First Issue: Pressing the “Queue”-Button while in Playback mode crashes the app. It doesn’t matter if it’s a single Album or a playlist with 500 tracks, whenever I press the “Queue”-Button in the left corner the app crashes completely. The music goes on but I can’t use the app naymore, I have to kill the app completely. A few months ago this problem wasn’t there - so I think that it must have come with one of the later bugfixes/patches. Something is broken here. It doesn’t matter which sound quality I’m using, if i’m using Wifi or mobile data, or which source (qobuz, tidal, music stored on my innuos) - it happens all the time. The Queue-button is unusable for me. Resetting the Phone, reinstalling the App etc. doesn’t work. Also using “optimized bandwidth” doesn’t help.
Second Issue: Roon ARC plays songs which have been “blocked”. I don’t know if this is a bug or if it meant to be this way by the devs, but while skipping a blocked song in the regular Roon app works like a charm, it has practically no use in ARC. This means, i can still see my favourite songs marked with a heart-symbol, but when I play songs it also plays songs which are blocked in the main app. I don’t see the sense in this - it’s a pity, because the “block a song” function is one of the main causes for me to use Roon. It would be great to get maybe the option in the settings if Roon ARC should play blocked songs or skip them. Or just skip them. I block songs because I don’t want to hear them
Also, I’ve just found an additional strange bug which seems to go hand-in-hand with my reported Roon arc Radio bug. While listening to music and tapping through my collection I can’t just click in artist page on „play now“. I can scroll though the page, start an album or a single track, but clicking „play now“ on artist overview page doesn’t work. Just nothing happens.
I can confirm that Roon ARC is still adding banned tracks to queue and playing them after updating today on iPhone 13 running iOS 16.6 and ARC 1.0.41 Build 209. Still happens on Android version of ARC too.
I appreciate you creating a separate thread for your second issue (and at the same time, apologize you’re experiencing not one, but two Arc-related issues ) and wanted to let you know we were also able to chat about this issue with our Arc developers today.
We have some additional questions for you, and anyone experiencing repeated tracks or content you have set to banned:
How many times have you tried to ban the same track or album?
Among tracks you’ve tried to ban, are there patterns among the type of genre?
Are there any artists you’ve tried to ban fully?
If you see repeating tracks, what was the seed that you used to start the radio session? Please note a timestamp
Do you ever see banned tracks play in Roon Radio? Note that ARC has no control over Roon Radio and simply passes a session from the Core. There’s no separate taste control or queue influence in ARC for Roon Radio.
thank you about asking those additional question - please be so kind and aswer me just this one question:
Are you using ARC yourself? Because if so, please let me know if you don’t have this bug. Because I know no ARC user who hasn’t the problem. it seems to be a bug since day one.
To answer your questions:
I mostly ban tracks using roon remote. Sometimes when using ARC, but 90% of time using Roon Remote. In Roon Remote it works perfectly, ARC just doesn’t ignore banned tracks and plays them like they wouldn’t be banned. You can only ban a track once, because if you ban it again you unban it. I don’t really understand the question. A track is banned or NOT banned. You can’t ban a track ten times.
Yes, there is a pattern: I ban the songs which I don’t like. Simple as that.
No, there are no fully banned artists, because in this case I would just delete them from my NAS, Qobuz or Tidal. It doesn’t make sense for me to have a banned artist in my library. To precice my answer before any strange follow-up-question shows up: I have no banned artists in my library.
What do you mean with “repeating” tracks? ARC is just playing the music, in this case e.g. an album which I select and press play. It doesn’t repeat songs. It just plays the whole album, ignoring “banned” tracks. Also, when I just do shuffle mode (e.g. my whole library. or a certain artist, album, etc.) It’s like the function “ban a song” wouldn’t exist and work. I don’t know how to make myself more clear.