Hi @RodS,
Yes, this does indeed look like what is happening. If both the Synology and the Nucleus have the same IP address this can cause a conflict. Are you by any chance using a Static IP address for the Synology or have set up the same “Reserved IP” for both the Nucleus and the Synology in your router settings?
I am still waiting to hear back from QA regarding your newest diagnostics but I would check the above aspect in the meantime, and you may also want to set the “Maximum SMB protocol” to SMB 3 in the Advanced Settings tab because of a compatibility issues with SMB2 with Large MTU as mentioned in our NAS Troubleshooting Guide:
when possible. Failing that,SMBv2
should also be ok, but do not usesmb2 with large mtu
as it has known compatibility issues with Roon. If you’re using a Synology NAS and running your Roon Core on OSX, you can find some more information about fine tuning your setup here
– Noris