Roon does not sync correctly with Tidal favorites

Thanks Tim for your support, I will wait for the logs analysis by the tech team to see if anything new comes out.

In the meantime, I have solved the wifi “blindness” issue. I disassembled the NUC and I found out that the antenna was unplugged. I have plugged it and now ROCK can connect the wifi networks. This is how the environment appears to it:

I am streaming right now and it works fine. Having access to the wifi gives me the chance to test on different hotspots and see how it behaves.

Looking forward to Noris’ news!


And this is again through the mobile hotspot:


Fully working outside my home network. I hope the support team can root cause it to understand if there is anything that should be done by the ISP.

I do not know what has happened… this morning I put ROCK back on the ethernet and it worked!


It works on my home network both from the Ethernet and the WiFi. I have not changed anything until the most recent tests. Can it be that after having completed a sync a few times on the hotspots, it has recorded some information that helps it do the job also on the home network?

Hi @simoneratti,

I spoke to the technical team today regarding your case. To recap the status of the troubleshooting we have done so far:

  1. This issue does not occur on your Mac when you’re connected to the home network
  2. This issue occurs when using an Ubuntu Core on your home network
  3. The issue does not occur when using Ubuntu Core on a hotspot
  4. The issue occurs when using ROCK as your Core on the home network
  5. The issue does not occur when using ROCK on the hotspot

With these results, we have confirmed that the issue is not specifically related to ROCK, but seems to impact any Linux-based Operating System.

These findings indicate that the issue is stemming from either your ISP’s connection to the external network, or the networking gear you’re using.

Since you mentioned that you have also previously tried connecting your ROCK directly to the Modem and the behavior was the same, this leaves the Modem and the ISP connection left to troubleshoot.

What exactly regarding the Modem or ISP connection that’s preventing the TIDAL sync from working as expected is hard to say from our end. If you would like, you could try using another modem as a temporary test to eliminate the modem from the equation.

After that, all that’s left is the ISP connection, which you will need to reach out to your ISP to discuss any changes that can be made or possibly try a different ISP if the behavior still continues.

That’s very strange indeed. Has there been any changes by your ISP related to the connection or any other changes you made in ROCK or the network setup?

If it continues to work as expected, it would be a good sign, but it wouldn’t explain why this issue occurred in the first place.

Hello Noris, I am back to day one:

and I have changed NOTHING.

Can your team root cause it from the logs? Maybe it is the ISP… but I have nothing to demonstrate it. Can you help?

Hello @simoneratti,

No, unfortunately logs tell us that the sync didn’t go through as expected and your ROCK core has issues resolving network addresses, but the reason for this is a generic “NetworkError” with a Name or service not known Name or service not known. Here is a full snippet of the log (from when you initially reported the issue):

01/22 07:55:57 Trace: [tidal/storage] sync completed unsuccessfully in 17624ms: Result[Status=NetworkError]
01/22 07:55:57 Warn: [easyhttp] web exception without response: Name or service not known Name or service not known
01/22 07:55:58 Warn: [easyhttp] web exception without response: Name or service not known Name or service not known
01/22 07:56:01 Debug: [easyhttp] GET  to timed out after 15002 ms
01/22 07:56:01 Debug: [easyhttp] GET  to timed out after 15002 ms
01/22 07:56:01 Debug: [easyhttp] GET  to timed out after 15001 ms
01/22 07:56:10 Debug: [appupdater] Update failed
01/22 07:56:10 Warn: [appupdater] Couldn't connect to update server: System.Net.WebException: Name or service not known Name or service not known

We have proved that the ROCK works as expected via a hotspot so there must be something regarding this current network setup that makes it operate differently than all our other user’s networks. The only two things left to check are the Modem and the ISP itself.

My suggestion would be to try and replace the Modem with another one that is compatible with your ISP and ask them to provision the new modem. If the new modem behaves in the same way, I would ask your ISP to check why you can’t seem to resolve addresses from a Linux-based Core machine.

Thank you Noris!

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