Roon Remote chronic freeze issue. Must reboot app to unfreeze app

Roon Remote app chronically freezing on iPad, only recovery is to reboot app. Seems to happen after long iPad sleep.

Roon Remote 2.0 (build 1357) running on iPad 6th Gen, OS Ver 17.2, 32 GB storage, Avail: 15.35 GB

Roon Server 2.0 (build 1359) running on MacMini (late 2014), 2.6 GHZ Dual Core Intel i5, Memory 8GB, OS Monterey 12.7.2, 1TB SSD

This is well known and several support threads about it. No fix as of yet sadly.


Thanks for the update. Until there is a fix I will temporarily change iPad to never sleep/lock, and see if that will make any difference.

And is getting worse IMHO

I use an iPad Pro 12.9, if I stick on just the Roon Remote app its normally OK , use any other app , Roon goes to sleep and needs to e stopped and restarted

And of course they have not been able to reproduce it. Which considering it’s affecting a large number of users now and seems to be growing as more start to moan about it as likey fed up with the behaviour as it’s been two months of it, doesn’t help things.

There has to be one contributing factor that all affected share, it’s not network or Os for core as users have all sorts of variations here. Possible older Apple gear sbeing affected by iOS updates that’s causing this misbehaviour or some other factor in Roon we all have in common. What that is, is the mystery.

I’m having this problem as well. It’s not consistent, just happens when it decides. Have to kill the app and restart it.

512gb iPhone 14 Pro

Same on my pixel 7, Android 14.

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I have been experiencing this problem a lot these days. I use an ipad pro and an iphone 15 with the latest software version. Roon crashes in a way that I can no longer select music on the app, nor can I stop playing music or jump between songs. It simply ‘‘freezes’’. When I restart my iphone or ipad, roon works normally for a while, but then it crashes again. I have also tried deleting the app and reloading it. Even after that the problem recurs. My internet network is strong and stable. All other applications work perfectly.

The matter is becoming unacceptable to me. Namely, to avoid any problems, I bought a roon nucleus as a core for this very reason. However, I am now experiencing considerable disappointment. I think that roon should have made every effort to make roon work flawlessly on ios. That is why we are paying for the service. I am asking roon team for feedback if there are any solutions in sight regarding this issue.

I am not sure you need to go as far as restarting the phone , I just kill the app and restart the app that works until the next time I lose focus and use another app

Certainly quicker than a restart. Mine is an iPad Pro 12.9


In my case I need to reboot iphone, ipad or my router. Only this helps for a while. I will wait until the end of the year when my free subscription ends. If the problems will still occur I will cancel roon. It maybe one of the most sophisticated softwares for music but his use with ios is just terrible. I payed 1800 euros for nucleus and I expected that it will work flawlessly.

I have been having this issue for about 8 weeks now.
It’s that bad that I am looking at buying another streamer to use Tidal, and I am a roon lifer.

It’s the same for me killing the app or shutting down the iPad works …….but only for a short while

This is affecting a lot of users now.
I was going to post a thread asking for support to look at this , but there is little point as other threads are unanswered.


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In fairness it’s the iOS app that seems to be at fault , the Server - End Point transfer is flawless

It’s not excusable though !!

I am polishing up my JRiver fall back library !

I can’t recall having this problem before, but in the last couple of days the Roon app has been freezing frequently. Pixel 7 Pro, Android 14.

I feel your frustration.

Roon generally post when starting initial investigation. When fault replicated. When fix is likely to be pushed.

I’d keep an eye on this thread.



And although you shouldn’t have to, I force close the app after each use (when using one of our iPads) to prevent this happening when you least want it to.

it seems, other apps are suffering the same:


They go on about touch not working which is isn’t the same thing. Touch screen works fine it’s just lost all network connection back to the core the app actually hasn’t crashed per se as you can navigate any cache content. Play menu stuff pops you can change zone in the app what it doesn’t do is actually change anything other than in the iOS app nor send any play commands etc.

Also I believe not all users that have had this are on iOS17, also doesn’t explain why it’s not affecting all users. But could be a contributing factor. Not had it occur on any other apps.

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Not ideal if there is a response in one thread of many, but they did in the „ticket in“ one:


I’ve had this problem a lot on my iPhone, even after closing the app for a few seconds. More recently it has got worse where even after closing and reopening the app, it is still stuck on the same page. I had to uninstall and reinstall the whole app just to get beyond this