Roon Remote Greyed-Out Artwork and/or Hanging on Albums/Artist, Pages [Fix Released, Verifying]

Good question. Let’s clarify - here’s the status, @Simon_Arnold3:

Issue One (this thread):

There’s a reproducible issue in which users experience hanging with greyed-out artwork on Roon Remote on either the Albums or Artists page after entering text in the Filter query box. The first post in this thread typifies the symptoms of this Remote hang. @Stephen_Wareham is experiencing this also, based on screenshots above. We have an open ticket for this and can reproduce it intermittently - we will announce a fix as available on this thread.

Issue Two:

Failed connection between phone-based Roon Remotes and RoonServer after period of inactivity, not triggered by the Filter text box. We were tracking this here: iOS - glitches with ui and app stops working after inactivity (iPhone 13, iPad 12, others) [Investigating], but has since atomized across the Support section as we’ve released a new Roon version since then.

So, we have created a new tracking thread for issue two here, where we can more easily triage technical reports: Roon Remote iOS/Android Freeze with "Waiting for RoonServer" After Inactivity [Investigating]

We’ll be posting updates in both threads. Thank you for your patience.