Roon Remote Greyed-Out Artwork and/or Hanging on Albums/Artist, Pages [Fix Released, Verifying]

I started experiencing this on Roon Remote since I was updated - when I filter artists, the first row consists of blank circles with blank text. After this happens, cannot clear the filter, and have to close and restart Roon Remote.

Edit: This is on iPad Pro 12.9" iOS 17.1.1

Moved from Uncategorized to Support. Detailed information about your setup would be helpful

Roon Core Machine

Mac mini 2018
Intel i5 6-core

Networking Gear & Setup Details

Linksys MR9000 (4 routers in a mesh configuration)
Roon Server and endpoints are wired over Ethenrnet.

Connected Audio Devices

NAD T 778 (Ethernet)
Blusound Node X (Ethernet)

Number of Tracks in Library


Description of Issue

See above, first post.

I should also note that I did a clean install of 2.0.25 on the Mac Mini. I created a new user, deleted all about Roon and RAAT server forlders. And then downloaded the latest version from, and I started with an empty library. I then copied my music to the deignated folder.

Before 2.0.25, I was running Roon Server on my Mac mini, so nothing changed in this regard except an upgraded version.
Now my iPhone Roon Remote started crashing too. Before 2.0.25, I have not had any crashes of Roon Remote. I left Roon Remote on-screen, and locked my iPhone. When I unlocked, Roon Remote will not respond to play/pause… I clicked to go home, and a logo spinning is shown.
Force-closing the app and reopening fixes the problem.

Edit: I was writing this post on my Mac and posted it. Then went back to iPhone, only to see it frozen again:

Please also note my Mac mini Roon Server is not used for multitasking, it is only running Roon.

All-in-all, with this 2.0.25 update my Roon Remotes on iOS and iPad OS have become considerably more sluggish, I very often see delayed response of the UI, and also the spinning Roon logo icon.

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Have you tried rebooting ALL network included, often “clears the pipes”

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Yes I have rebooted everything - mesh network, Roon server, iOS devices.

Something new - my Bluesound Node X disappeared from Audio zones briefly, then it reappeared after some 5 minutes.

Roon server and phone are on different build’s as far as I can see.

Those are the respective current builds:

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Same issue🤔 IPad Pro 2017
NUC11 i5
All endpoints cabled.

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Clearing cache worked for me

Yes, I did that. After a while, it happened again.

I’l wait and see

It seems that I am plagued with this issue with the latest version of Roon Remote.
Is it recommended to do a fresh clean install of everything, i.e. wipe the Mac mini, delete all remotes, ARC, and start anew?

This seems like a network issue.
What happens if you connect your core and one endpoint directly (by cable) to your main router?

If a mesh network is installed with Ethernet connections between each of the nodes, the network will perform just like a traditional Router+APs setup. If WiFi links are used between the nodes, the probability of WiFi-related issues increases. Nonetheless, if you have no other option than to link your access points with WiFi, mesh is the best way to do it.


Roon Server and my two endpoints are wired to a 1Gbit switch that is directly connected to the main router.

Edit: And I did not have this issue before the update! Main Router and all Nodes are same model 3-band Linksys MR9000-EU, and the switch is Linksys LGS105-EU-RTL.

I never had any of the issues pointed in the “Network Best Practices” - only after this update, my remotes are freezing, and restarting the remote is back to good.

So none of the listed issues are present in my setup (even ARC works fine), namely:

  • Audio Dropouts
  • Remotes that don’t connect to the Core
  • Audio devices that don’t show up in Roon → this happened once after the update!!!
  • Skipped tracks and playback interruptions.
  • Error messages including:
    • “Roon lost control of audio device”
    • “An audio file is loading slowly…” or “TIDAL media is loading slowly…”
    • “Too many failures. Stopping playback.”
    • “Playback has failed due to an unexpected error communicating…”
    • “Unable to connect to this channel. Check your internet connection”

Than you have to wait till @support jumps in and pull some diagnostics from you.
Note that sometimes a network is already pulled to the limit and a new update pulls it over the limit