Roon Server Problems [Confirmed by Roon Team - Resolved]

Playing music fine from the above album but the metadata has gone phooey. It was not loading the page at all for a while just the jellyfish.

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Yes. We’re seeing some connectivity issues with our metadata service. This will impact a number of Roon functions. We’re on it.


Good to know you’re on it :+1:You might want to change the error messages in such cases…
There’s nothing wrong with my wifi


Ah, that explains the failure to connect error messages here

Hi again, same issue today, really slow, not really acceptable I think. Regards/Johan

This is outrageous, cant even access my own music files now!!!

Wow, only took a minute

I’m also experiencing a lot of slowdowns today.

It’s mostly not affecting my local files, just Tidal/Qobuz streaming…

For a while only Windows desktop was slow, and my mobile device(s) (Android) were still only a little slow, but now I’m experiencing pretty significant slowdown on my mobile too…

I’ve rebooted everything, my sense is the issue on Roon’s end (maybe a similar cloud failure again, like what happened last week and documented in this thread).

Slow here as well. Very concerning that something external can impact ability to search locally. As someone who is month to month and contemplating lifetime sub, I don’t like it.

Same problem here and no issue with my internet connection. I’m getting 400/20 which is the correct speed. If I disable all external services, the search works as expected.

I’m using Tidal which is working fine on itself…

Search is failing completely for me today. Very frustrating.

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Really, what’s the deal. Loading material from qobuz is sloooooow (as long as…45 seconds to…never? – on some attempts error message pops up suggesting I check my network/internet connections; uh no…) while loading the same albums from qobuz web-player are immediate, so issue would seem to be on Roon server side. Fairly frustrating.

It’s not tidal or qobuz specifically. Searches go through roon first and these requests are timing out:

02/04 12:47:24 Debug: [easyhttp] [246] GET to,qobuz-us timed out after 14999 ms
02/04 12:47:24 Error: search service failed: Result[Status=NetworkTimeout]
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There’s quick work around to get access to your local library. If you click on “Artist” tab it takes a while to load (due to the server issues). If you click on “Albums” tab you can get to your files without delay.

Sorry for the continued issues here. We are dealing with a failure that is outside of our direct control so it’s taking a bit longer to resolve than we would like.


Thanks for the update :+1:

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Seems to be resolved, at least in the UK. Perhaps I should say “at least for me”!

EDIT: I spoke too soon. The jellyfish is back!

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Roon Core Machine

Linux Ubuntu 20.04 - AMD Ryzen 5 2600 Six-Core Processor - 16GB RAM

Description of Issue

Since updating to the latest roon core 1.8 (build 898) stable, my search is failing with “Can’t connect to Roon Search. Library results only.”

i.e. this → Search (build 880) - server returning 500 ("Can't connect to Roon Search. Library results only") - #2 by beka

I have tried restarting core a number of times to no avail.

I did not have this issue before the latest upgrade.


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