Roon sometimes doesn't play music

I tried both DNS settings. Both, Google ( and Cloudflare ( .

Both still show the error.

Hallo @Matthias_Gallena
Wie ich sehe, besteht das Problem noch immer, ich habe daher noch einmal gelesen:

Keine Bibliothek ĂŒber Roon, was meinst du damit?
Hast du tatsĂ€chlich gar nichts an Musik, keine Alben oder Tracks, in Roon hinzugefĂŒgt, um sie schnell wiederfinden zu können?
Falls doch, dann heißt das, dass du sie deiner Bibliothek in Roon hinzugefĂŒgt hattest.
Ich schicke zur Veranschaulichung zwei Screenshots meiner eigenen Bibliothek, allerdings alles in englischer Sprache.

Wenn du die fraglichen Alben also in deine Bibliothek aufgenommen hattest, wĂŒrdest du dann bitte versuchen sie wieder zu entfernen?
Alles ganz genauso durchfĂŒhren, wie im Folgenden beschrieben:

Ich habe mich an diesen Ă€hnlichen Fall erinnert und ihn fĂŒr dich herausgesucht.

I think that soft is what you mean.

I wrote it above. I don’t use Roon to manage music on hard drives. I only use Tidal as “playback” for streaming.

I think what you’re saying is that I have these albums that I have saved as my favorites.

For me at Roon this is the “my Albums” function. For me that’s only 47 albums. The albums that don’t play are none of my albums. You don’t not at the 47 albums. So I can’t delete them from here and add them back again.

You could try to see how it works if you added such an album.
Unfortunately, just stabbing around in the dark.
Some screenshots with an Android phone as remote:

But if I understood it correctly, everything is working properly with your girlfriend’s Windows 11 laptop?

Another thing you could try is setting up the Amethyst input instructions again. Please see the following, it seems to have helped.

I have saved the abum YES “Drama” in the library. New try. The album didn’t play.
I then deleted the album from the library. The same result. The album didn’t play.

Axel. No, I couldn’t try it on my girlfriend’s Windows 11 notebook. We don’t live together. She lives further away. But I’ll try.

I tried your tip with the Roon app on mobile. Then the album was played.

What drives me crazy is that something around 90% of the albums get played. About 10% don’t. I can’t see any reason for albums to be heard and others not to be heard.

If it worked on the notebook with Windows 11, I would understand it even worse.

I have now terminated the connection with the Trinnov. And then set it up again. No change! The album (I always cover it up with YES “Drama”) cannot be heard. Even if the time display sometimes runs.

Informations out of Roon and Trinnov:

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I wrote it. I had clean the cache of Roon (and Tidal too) more then one time.

Thast was one of my first activities

What are you referring to?

To the letter from Roon via email that the chat would be closed because I hadn’t responded. But I don’t get an answer here.

Hi @Matthias_Gallena,

Thanks for the additional reporting, and thank you @Axel_Lesch for such detailed assistance and follow ups! Sorry to hear the issues persist Matthias, we’d be happy to take another look with your recent troubleshooting steps applied.

Please share the date, time, and track attempted to play. :+1: