Installed Roon version 1.3 (build 233) stable today. After that there is no music playing but a sound similar to a loud fired machine gun.
I did not change any preferences, restarted Roon, then restarted my computer. The problem is still there…
I Use an iMac 2012 / 2.7 / i5 / 12GB, music library on the internal hard disk, and a Focusrite DAC .
Hi @Aernout_Bok ----- Thank you for the report and sharing your feedback with us. Both are appreciated!
Moving forward may I very kindly ask you for the following:
Screenshots of:
The device settings you are using in Roon when you notice this behavior. This information can be located under “device setup”.
The signal path coming out of Roon when you notice this behavior.
Do you experience this “machine gun” like sound with all file formats and at any bit/sample rate? OR, do you find that this is occurring with the same type of media each time? How about with TIDAL content?
Same machine gun sound for me as well. I am running Focusrite Forte. Everything was fine for all High quality formats before upgrade. Now after upgrade I cannot play formats higer that 44.1 16b. Regardless of storing content on NAS or Tidal Masters. Can I easily get back the previous version of roon?
First, every type of media (MP3/AAC/FLAC), bought today or twenty years ago has that same loud noise. It sounds like that ‘machine gun’ or ‘a helicopter’; some kind of digital stutter. Stutter remains 5 seconds after killing the song.
I don’t use Tidal. Three hours ago everything sounded fine. Until that update
Signal path: Focusrite Scarlett 2i4 (DAC) into Yamaha HS5 near field monitors. iTunes and Logic Pro X do sound normal
Unfortunately same issue here and same description of the sound ‘machine gun’; some kind of digital stutter. All my collection is FLAC of various kHz and bit range
Hi @Aernout_Bok ----- Thank you for touching base with me and providing the requested feedback.
Moving forward I would like to grab some logs from you (see below) and also ask you to please provide another screenshot of the “device setup” window, but this time displaying the settings under the “playback” tab as well.
Please send us your logs following the instructions here for standard Roon installs and if you are running ROCK please use the directions found here.
As a side note, after a few tests, this issue is present when outputting to my Yamaha AMP via HDMI from a Mac Mini. If I select my MacBook pro as the output zone, everything plays fine…the mystery deepens
All — Please be advised, if you are experiencing this behavior during playback, we would like to have you please provide the following information:
A brief but accurate description of your current setup as seen here.
Screenshots of:
The device settings you are using in Roon when you notice this behavior. This information can be located under “device setup” (all three tabs- “general”, “playback”, and “zone grouping”).
The signal path coming out of Roon when you notice this behavior.
Please send us your logs following the instructions here for standard Roon installs and if you are running ROCK please use the directions found here.
VERY IMPORTANT@YYZ, mentioned in his post that when he bypassed using his DAC as the output device and set his MacBook Pro as the output zone the issue was NOT present. Please confirm if you make the same observation.
Other things to consider while troubleshooting:
Has all of your equipment been power cycled, is this behavior reproducible afterwards?
Do you notice this behavior when using another DAC?
All equipment has been power cycled, I even updated to the latest OSX Sierra patch for fun - no resolution. All settings from Mac to DAC and all Roon settings seem in order.
Have you got something connected to the System Output on your Core? If not, I would suggest disabling this output, and just leave the HDMI output enabled. Also, what are the settings on the HDMI output for your Yamaha?