I would second this…since the Yamaha has the mic in for doing the sound set-up. Wasn’t sure if it is a mic preamp, technically.
Its not, but does have the mic in for the room correction microphone
It was the only one I didnt look specs on. But I see they all share one common spec and thats the mic
I think winner winner chicken dinner on the mic
one more try. USB Power.
Did the latest update …even after reading all the issues with this. My system is running fine…Thank goodness…Really like the feature of being able to pick out multiple artists to play back (in the absence of a already built playlist) instead of selecting only one!
Fernando, I hope you get yours worked out!
Stab in the dark now…they all have dedicated amp circuitry for headphones…
I never win anything! Darn!
Well, I should probably caution that while we have reproduced the issue, we are still investigating our theory and haven’t confirmed the cause or fix yet…
But no one has yet guessed the common factor among these devices that we identified. Should I say it?
I have the same configuration; Mac mini (2010) connected to Yamaha Receiver via HDMI, and experience the ‘machine gun’ problem.
However, my 5.1 FLAC and DSD files sounds ok. All AAC (2.0) files have the issue.
Yamaha components (preamps)
Their all rubbish ?
ADC capability in all of them.
Ok, @YYZ @Per_Braarud @anon22129124 @Samuel_NG – Build 234 is up for Mac (and other Core platforms).
It contains a fix for this issue, which we traced to…drum roll… multi-channel devices!
To be clear, this issue didn’t affect all multi-channel devices, only those with a certain pattern in the list of formats they support. The big clue here was that all these devices output more than 2 channels.
Let us know how you’re doing with Build 234 guys. Thanks for the reports!
I didn’t have the problem but I have to say these Roon guys are pretty good.
Confirmed it is resolved for me.
Thank you
The common theme is that they all were working until the new update and then they weren’t, so yes, you should say it - Roon f**k up
Is your glass half full or half empty? I’m guessing the latter. Roon missed something when they released the latest software upgrade but then fixed it in record time with great communication. So no, I’m not going to say they f**k up. They made a mistake, yes, but fixed it immediately. To me that’s the next best thing to perfection. Do you see that kind of response often with other software?