Roon sounds like a machine gun after update [Fixed in Build 234]

Hi, just tested build 234 now on my Mac and Focusrite Forte. It works good again for all HiRes files I tried in both normal and Core Audio Exclusive mode. Thanks for very fast fix.

3 posts were split to a new topic: “Machine Gun” Noise On Windows

And @Eric Thank you guys for your response and quick solution!
Build 234 did the job as far as I have checked the last 15 minutes. There is music again and I didn’t hear ‘the machine gun’ anymore…

@mike has resolved issue for me, all my settings returned to normal (Integer mode on, Volume levelling off). Many thanks to the Roon team for their support !

(I thought multi-channel devices was just too easy…)

I think the smiley @anon22129124 used suggests a tongue in cheek reply.

Fairly impressive turnaround by Roon all the same.


Guessing they all use the same USB chipset…?

@evand It’s over! :cry:

@anon75017651 " Is your glass half full or half empty?" Neither, my glass has a big crack in it so its empty! :frowning: Yes I was having a joke at Roon’s expense and only the post above I thanked them. Fast response and good outcome and I’m very happy with my purchase which is CHEAP compared to Autocad which I bought in 1980’s for $USD3.5k. Considering the salaries back then I was CRAZY! :slight_smile:

Sorry, slight hangover this morning :dizzy_face:

Build 234 works … drum roll … excellent. Both stereo and multichannel works fine.

Looks like we’re good here. I’ve split @anon74822662’s posts off since I believe that’s probably a different issue, and not the regression we were tracking here.

Thanks all!

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