rooUPnP: Finally a Roon Extension for UPnP Streamers

Roon sends FLAC by default (can be selected) to rooUPnP. rooUPnP converts this to the format chosen in the rooUPnP settings. This means FLAC data coming from Roon is decoded to PCM within rooUPnP and re-encoded to the selected format. If you select “Transparent” you get the FLAC from Roon without prior decoding and encoding.

I also wrote somethin about this on an earlier post in this thread here. rooUPnP: Finally a Roon Extension for UPnP Streamers - #13 by DrCWO

I hope this makes things a bit more transparent.

Best DrCWO

New Test License for rooUPnP

I like to let you know that I added an offer to test rooUPnP before buying a Lifelong license!
For 2.90$ you can now test rooUPnP for seven Days.

I thought this might be a good idea as the implementations of UPnP by the manufacturers are quite different. A lot of then work nicely with rooUPnP others can only be used in the MP3 mode of rooUPnP.

Here you find a list collecting the feedback from the community regarding devices and the result of the user’s tests.

Please let me know the result of your test with your device using the new seven days license. I will add it to my list.

Best DrCWO



Maybe this is also of some interest for my rooUPnp customers.
rooExtend v2.2.0 is out now.

The completely new Roon Extension rooWatch is included there that offers to control of Roon by a native Apple Watch App and Siri.

If interested please see my post here:

Best DrCWO

I use RooUPnP as a backup system and when I want to use subsystems. Yesterday my Roon server crashed, and now that I’ve set up the core on another machine it does not show the Roon extensions so I can’t use my sub systems.

I’ve tried rebooting RPi but this has not solved the problem. Do you have any suggestions?


Stephen RooUPNP needs Roon to work, it is a Roon Extension.
So sorry to tell you that it won’t work without a working Roon system.

Edit sorry I missed that you had set Roon up on another machine

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If the other machine runs Roon and is connected at the same Ethernet as the Raspberry the rooExtend Extensions should show up there.

Still not showing up … so shutting down and trying again.

Stephen you might have to enable it in Settings->Extensions->Authorizations

You would normally only see RooExtend to start and then you might have to license it again and enable RooUPNP (though I have never tried that service).

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What is the best solution on my Yamaha RX-A2080?
Airplay or ROOUpnp?

UPnP is better.
It allows highresolution audio (up to 24/192) and it is a “Pull” mechanism without jitter.

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Thank You, I will change it and use ROOupnp also for the Yamaha.

I experiment random problems with RooUpnp under Roon 1,8 build 904
My Upnp devices appear and disappear without real reason.Everyhting is under rj45 connexion and Audirvana recognise them permanently…Restarting Roon doesn’t resolve the problem…
rooUnpn says … licenced … searching

Any help?

I fear can’t help here.
The Core running on my machine (it says I have installed the latest version) is 1.8 903.

Have you tried to reboot the Raspberry too?

I have to wait until I get the next release.
Best DrCWO

Yes I did
I’m planning to reburd the sd card

I am currently testing the extension. I have two questions about it:
I have a “Sonos One”. I would like to control this in also as a Squeeze device. So I could include it in a group with other Squeeze-Devices.
Is there a way to synchronize Squeeze devices in a group? This is otherwise also possible with Roon. Unfortunately I have found nothing.

You can try but I expect there will be a big time delay between the devices.


I have ended up with two instances of Licence Manager (2.1.3 running RooDial) and (2.2.2 running rooUPnP). I have an RPi for each. How do I consolidate the licences by moving the RooDial to 2.2.2?



Licenses are bound to the Raspberry pi Hardware. This means: If you like to transfer a license from one physical Raspberry (A) to an other physical Raspberry (B) you have to revoke the active license in the License Manager of (A). Next you can enter the License Key in (B).

If you only like to upgrade and like to use the License on the same Raspberry, just burn the new SD-Card-Image and enter the license Key.

Hope this helps, otherwise please let me know :slight_smile:
Best DrCWO

Is there an x86 image?
I think I’m missing something because I don’t understand the use of a RPi4… If I need an RPi4 I might as well use it with Roon Bridge and call it a day. With x86 compatibility I can install directly on the same machine where Roon Server is running and adding compatibility to stream to UPnP endpoints.
Am I missing something?

I don’t think extension manager runs on x86 anymore.
I used to run some extension’s on Windows when I first got into Roon, but it was a terrible hack and ended up running DietPi which I still use to this day.

The extension also has Roon Bridge as part of the RooExtend system if it’s needed.