Save music in Roon in TIDAL

I have the problem that I don’t take over when saving titles at TIDAL! I listen to 60% Turkish songs. I don’t have the problem with other songs that are not Turkish. Do you have any experience with special characters or what could be the reason?

I’m not sure of your question. I listen to a lot of Scandinavian bands, I used to add them to my library with Qobuz and Tidal, I no longer do, just stream. I have many of my own music with non English characters and never had a problem I could attribute to them.

You mean the ever-loading button after you click the + sign (add to library)? I get that too most of the time, pretty sure it’s a bug. Sometimes going out of the album view and back in will show it as added to the library, but sometimes it just plain does not work at all.

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Yes, exactly and doesn’t store it. When you close and open Roon, he takes over, but next time it’s not saved again! Just annoying!

Roon play music according to your preferences and if it doesn’t save you get wrong suggestions.

The Same Problem!

I have saved the album several times and it is not taken over by Roon!

Here is another example! What can be the reason or does it have to do with performance problems with Roon Core?

Happens to me almost every single time.

There must be a reason for this. Is it due to the software or TIDAL? Do you also have the problem with Qobuz?

Unfortunately, I don’t get any answers or solutions. Can it also be a general problem of Roon Software? As I read from the comments, several people have the problem.

unfortunately, seems like devs simly don’t care. Quite disappointing.

Have tried adding album from ARC?
I understanding it does not fix issue , but might be helpful to pinpoint where the issue is.

And, if you add album in Tidal - does it transfer ok to Roon and included in library?

This issue has existed for many years and affects both Tidal and Qobuz. If you restart your Roon Core and try again it will probably work. Sometimes just closing and opening Roon Client will allow it to compete and add to your library.

Other times it will work the first try…

I restarted with Roon and yet it is only temporarily saved. The next day disappears or storage has not been taken over. With TIDAL save directly, I will try it out and report it in this regard.
Thanks for the tips