Sluggish Performance. Large Collection

I’m not sure about that. Sorry.

I went ahead and bought a year subscription. The missing tracks were not imported - they were reported as errors. So, songs that are in my various artists directory will not be in the playlist on Soundiiz. I kept all the Roon generated CSV files, and I suppose there will eventually be a way to add in the missing tracks. If not, at least I’m much closer to having a good backup of my playlists. THANK YOU.

No problem. I’m glad that suggestion helped. I’m sorry you keep having to throw so much money at this problem though.

Good News. The “grinding” has finally stopped for the 214,759 track “named artists” directory. Things are as they were back in February - at least for those files! Speedy loading. No lengthy pause between tracks. Next week let’s hope we can get the rest of my collection onboard - as many as possible. (I’ll be away from August 13 - 25, however.)


Another issue (now that I’m actually listening to music again). I bought a new DAC for one of my zones (HiFiBerry DAC2 HD sitting on top of a Raspberry Pi 4 Model B 8GB). Sounds great, BUT… Sometimes there’s a “pop” before a track in the playlist. How do I get rid of that? I’ve tried resync delays of up to 10000 ms - no help.

Is this with the old database or the fresh database? Just curious if restoring from backup repaired any corruption as I thought it possibly could.

Are you using Ropieee?

Yes, indeed I am.

Old Database that was restored.

You may be able to adjust the volume level for ALSA in the Ropieee settings.

I’m slightly confused, did you resolve this with a brand new database, or did you go back to your backup and it worked even with restore of the problem database ?

mackid1993David suggested that even though I had destroyed the old database I should use a recent backup and restore it so I could get my playlists back. I did that and it worked. The named artists folder was restored and all’s well with that now (except my playlists do not include any tracks from the various artists directory).

I have disabled the various artists directories and am restoring them one at a time. I’ve gotten through _CD. I certainly can - and will - re-start that process (adding back the various artists directories) when I have the latest Song Kong updates.

Yes, but did you just do that temporarily to get playlists back and then go back to new database, or are you still using that old database for Roon itself ?

Okay there is a new version of SongKong you can try, build date is 4th Aug 2023. No need to delete metadata with Jaikoz first, just run against Mozart and Various Artists folders to see if get anymore matches.

Left it with old database. Playlists reside there (in the database). I purchased a year’s premium subscription to Soundiiz (to save the playlists), but Soundiiz will not save tracks that cannot be found (in this case, the various artists tracks). I could get everything working (all 286,000 tracks) and then destroy the database and start over, but if I can listen to all of my music without undue delays I don’t think I’ll be doing that.


Not sure why, but it is taking a long time to create support files…

It is slow because its large !
When run Create Support Files the last 5 reports are sent for each task, in your case this includes FixSongsReport159 done over 214,000 files and some other large reports.

I had a look at the last one, Report160

For Mozart it now matches subfolder 100. It still doesn’t match subfolder 160 but the problem with this was the Acoustid database was incorrectly matching one acoustid to two tracks on the same disc. This has been fixed but your last track in folder has incorrect title preventing correct match. If you remove the metadata for subfolder 160 and rerun against that folder then that should fix it.

For Various Artists in general a few more albums have been matched, there are possibly some other improvements that can be made but this needs further investigation, but for now I am going to release new version of SongKong.

You should go ahead and add the Various Artist album and hopefully it will work in timely manner. But if it doesn’t work you should then delete database and try brand new database as previously suggested.

There are also some errors listed (that dont affect the results) related to D:\Backups\Music\Various# Amazon Playlists\100 Greatest Musical Numbers (Amazon) folder, is this a symbolic link to X:\ drive?

Should I run Song Kong 9.4 over all of my tracks (named and various artists)?

No. It was my attempt (before I learned about Soundiiz) to integrate Amazon playlists into Roon.