Syncing Qobuz and Tidal Libraries to Roon

Roon Core Machine

Networking Gear & Setup Details

Connected Audio Devices

Number of Tracks in Library

Description of Issue

I’ve always been able to sync newly created playlists from Qobuz and Tidal to Roon. This feature doesn’t seem to be working at the moment. I particularly enjoy creating a playlist from Qobuz’s “My Weekly Q” and Tidal’s “Daily Discovery” and then syncing and listening on Roon. Don’t know why this doesn’t seem to be working at the moment.

Just tried this and it works for me, so maybe some local network issue for you that’s stopping possible connection. Can you access both Tidal and Roon outside of Roon ok? Can the core access the internet ok does it play any Tidal or Qobuz content in your library?

Can you try logging out of both services in Roons settings then log back in. See if that cures it.

Failing that you can try clearing Roons cache

Took your advice, just logged out and back in of both services and syncing is enabled. Also I powered my Nucleus off and back on. So nice when a simple solution works. Than you CrystalGipsy!

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