Systematic sample rate conversion to 48khz on Merging HAPI


Sorry, which one, please ? There are a lot of .txt in that file

the current one will not have a number at the end so will probably look like:


@ricgf same in english… :frowning:

@Lebowski How to send a .zip file ?


I can’t send it as a .zip or a .txt.

Have you an idea how to copy it in my answer ?

you can’t via the website, have a look through the log file and find where it is setting up the stream, will probably look something like this (this is me playing a song to Sonos)

–[ SignalPath ]---------------------------------------------
SignalPath Quality = HighQuality
Source Format=Flac 96000/24/2 Quality=Lossless
UpgradeBitDepth FromBitsPerSample=24 ToBitsPerSample=64 Quality=Lossless
SampleRateConversion FromSampleRate=96000 ToSampleRate=48000 Algorithm=HighQuality Quality=HighQuality
Truncate FromBitsPerSample=64 ToBitsPerSample=16 Quality=HighQuality
Output OutputType=Sonos Quality=Lossless SubType= Model=ARC

@Lebowski The first lines:

04/12 16:00:11 Info: Starting Roon v1.8 (build 783) stable on macosx
04/12 16:00:11 Debug: Attempting to load library: /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Foundation
04/12 16:00:11 Info: Library[/System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Foundation] Loaded success => True
04/12 16:00:11 Debug: Attempting to load library: /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/AppKit
04/12 16:00:11 Info: Library[/System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/AppKit] Loaded success => True
04/12 16:00:11 Debug: Attempting to load framework: /System/Library/Frameworks/Cocoa.framework
04/12 16:00:11 Info: Framework[/System/Library/Frameworks/Cocoa.framework] Loaded success => True
04/12 16:00:11 Debug: Attempting to load framework: /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework
04/12 16:00:11 Info: Framework[/System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework] Loaded success => True
04/12 16:00:11 Debug: Attempting to load library: libHIDRemoteNative.dylib
04/12 16:00:11 Info: Library[libHIDRemoteNative.dylib] Loaded success => True
04/12 16:00:11 Debug: Attempting to load library: libSPMediaKeyTapNative.dylib
04/12 16:00:11 Info: Library[libSPMediaKeyTapNative.dylib] Loaded success => True
04/12 16:00:11 Trace: Checking if we are already running
04/12 16:00:11 Warn: get lock file path: /tmp/.rnsem501-roon
04/12 16:00:11 Trace: Nope, we are the only one running
04/12 16:00:11 Info: Is 64 bit? True
04/12 16:00:11 Trace: [childprocess] using .NET child process
04/12 16:00:11 Info: Loading broo project: ui_french.broox
04/12 16:00:11 Debug: OpenGL Version: 4.1 ATI-2.11.23
04/12 16:00:11 Debug: OpenGL Vendor: ATI Technologies Inc.
04/12 16:00:11 Debug: OpenGL Renderer: AMD Radeon R9 M295X OpenGL Engine
04/12 16:00:11 Debug: OpenGL Shader Language: 4.10
04/12 16:00:11 Debug: OpenGL extension count: 46
04/12 16:00:11 Debug: OpenGL extension 0: GL_ARB_blend_func_extended
04/12 16:00:11 Debug: OpenGL extension 1: GL_ARB_draw_buffers_blend
04/12 16:00:11 Debug: OpenGL extension 2: GL_ARB_draw_indirect
04/12 16:00:11 Debug: OpenGL extension 3: GL_ARB_ES2_compatibility
04/12 16:00:11 Debug: OpenGL extension 4: GL_ARB_explicit_attrib_location
04/12 16:00:11 Debug: OpenGL extension 5: GL_ARB_gpu_shader_fp64
04/12 16:00:11 Debug: OpenGL extension 6: GL_ARB_gpu_shader5
04/12 16:00:11 Debug: OpenGL extension 7: GL_ARB_instanced_arrays
04/12 16:00:11 Debug: OpenGL extension 8: GL_ARB_internalformat_query
04/12 16:00:11 Debug: OpenGL extension 9: GL_ARB_occlusion_query2
04/12 16:00:11 Debug: OpenGL extension 10: GL_ARB_sample_shading
04/12 16:00:11 Debug: OpenGL extension 11: GL_ARB_sampler_objects
04/12 16:00:11 Debug: OpenGL extension 12: GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects
04/12 16:00:11 Debug: OpenGL extension 13: GL_ARB_shader_bit_encoding
04/12 16:00:11 Debug: OpenGL extension 14: GL_ARB_shader_subroutine
04/12 16:00:11 Debug: OpenGL extension 15: GL_ARB_shading_language_include
04/12 16:00:11 Debug: OpenGL extension 16: GL_ARB_tessellation_shader
04/12 16:00:11 Debug: OpenGL extension 17: GL_ARB_texture_buffer_object_rgb32
04/12 16:00:11 Debug: OpenGL extension 18: GL_ARB_texture_cube_map_array
04/12 16:00:11 Debug: OpenGL extension 19: GL_ARB_texture_gather
04/12 16:00:11 Debug: OpenGL extension 20: GL_ARB_texture_query_lod
04/12 16:00:11 Debug: OpenGL extension 21: GL_ARB_texture_rgb10_a2ui
04/12 16:00:11 Debug: OpenGL extension 22: GL_ARB_texture_storage
04/12 16:00:11 Debug: OpenGL extension 23: GL_ARB_texture_swizzle
04/12 16:00:11 Debug: OpenGL extension 24: GL_ARB_timer_query
04/12 16:00:11 Debug: OpenGL extension 25: GL_ARB_transform_feedback2
04/12 16:00:11 Debug: OpenGL extension 26: GL_ARB_transform_feedback3
04/12 16:00:11 Debug: OpenGL extension 27: GL_ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit
04/12 16:00:11 Debug: OpenGL extension 28: GL_ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev
04/12 16:00:11 Debug: OpenGL extension 29: GL_ARB_viewport_array
04/12 16:00:11 Debug: OpenGL extension 30: GL_EXT_debug_label
04/12 16:00:11 Debug: OpenGL extension 31: GL_EXT_debug_marker
04/12 16:00:11 Debug: OpenGL extension 32: GL_EXT_depth_bounds_test
04/12 16:00:11 Debug: OpenGL extension 33: GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc
04/12 16:00:11 Debug: OpenGL extension 34: GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic
04/12 16:00:11 Debug: OpenGL extension 35: GL_EXT_texture_mirror_clamp
04/12 16:00:11 Debug: OpenGL extension 36: GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode
04/12 16:00:11 Debug: OpenGL extension 37: GL_APPLE_client_storage
04/12 16:00:11 Debug: OpenGL extension 38: GL_APPLE_container_object_shareable
04/12 16:00:11 Debug: OpenGL extension 39: GL_APPLE_flush_render
04/12 16:00:11 Debug: OpenGL extension 40: GL_APPLE_object_purgeable
04/12 16:00:11 Debug: OpenGL extension 41: GL_APPLE_rgb_422
04/12 16:00:11 Debug: OpenGL extension 42: GL_APPLE_row_bytes
04/12 16:00:11 Debug: OpenGL extension 43: GL_APPLE_texture_range
04/12 16:00:11 Debug: OpenGL extension 44: GL_ATI_texture_mirror_once
04/12 16:00:11 Debug: OpenGL extension 45: GL_NV_texture_barrier
04/12 16:00:11 Debug: OpenGL maximum texture size: 16384
04/12 16:00:11 Debug: OpenGL maximum array texture layers: 2048
04/12 16:00:11 Debug: Framebuffer info : R8G8B8A8, color encoding: 0x2601, depth: 24, stencil: 0
04/12 16:00:11 Debug: Vertex highp int: range (-2^31 to 2^30), precision: 0 bits
04/12 16:00:11 Debug: Vertex mediump int: range (-2^31 to 2^30), precision: 0 bits
04/12 16:00:11 Debug: Vertex lowp int: range (-2^31 to 2^30), precision: 0 bits
04/12 16:00:11 Debug: Vertex highp float: range (-2^127 to 2^127), precision: 23 bits
04/12 16:00:11 Debug: Vertex mediump float: range (-2^127 to 2^127), precision: 23 bits
04/12 16:00:11 Debug: Vertex lowp float: range (-2^127 to 2^127), precision: 23 bits
04/12 16:00:11 Debug: Fragment highp int: range (-2^31 to 2^30), precision: 0 bits
04/12 16:00:11 Debug: Fragment mediump int: range (-2^31 to 2^30), precision: 0 bits
04/12 16:00:11 Debug: Fragment lowp int: range (-2^31 to 2^30), precision: 0 bits
04/12 16:00:11 Debug: Fragment highp float: range (-2^127 to 2^127), precision: 23 bits
04/12 16:00:11 Debug: Fragment mediump float: range (-2^127 to 2^127), precision: 23 bits
04/12 16:00:11 Debug: Fragment lowp float: range (-2^127 to 2^127), precision: 23 bits
04/12 16:00:11 Trace: [realtime] fetching time from NTP server
04/12 16:00:11 Trace: [broo/imagecache] loaded 3400 cache entries from /Users/kostiamilhakiev/Library/Roon/Cache/brooimages_1/index.db, current: 512mb / 268mb
04/12 16:00:11 Debug: Maximum parallel texture loading jobs: 7
04/12 16:00:11 Debug: Maximum OpenGl texture size is 16384
04/12 16:00:11 Debug: using FreeType v2.10.1
04/12 16:00:11 Trace: [orbit] init seq=33491, pending=7139, spcount=7, uidcount=2
04/12 16:00:11 Info: Broo Debug Web GUI ready at http://localhost:6700/broo/
04/12 16:00:11 Trace: [brooengine] Loaded atlas list. 0ms
04/12 16:00:11 Trace: [brooengine] Window is running in scale 2
04/12 16:00:11 Trace: [brooengine] Using atlas scale 2
04/12 16:00:11 Info: [broker] starting 46de899c-dda6-4f0c-96ab-85af12b3c103
04/12 16:00:11 Debug: render area size initial value: 699x610
04/12 16:00:11 Info: Loaded broo project: ui_french.broox, atlas: ui
04/12 16:00:11 Info: Kicking off event loop
04/12 16:00:11 Info: Kicking off event loop
04/12 16:00:11 Trace: [httpcache] loaded 1856 cache entries from /Users/kostiamilhakiev/Library/Roon/Cache/httpcache_2.db, current: 127mb / 128mb
04/12 16:00:11 Trace: [realtime] Got time from NTP: 4/12/2021 2:00:11 PM (3827224811067ms)
04/12 16:00:11 Trace: [realtime] Updated clock skew to -00:00:00.6618600 (-661.86ms)
04/12 16:00:11 Debug: [brooengine Loaded atlas texture ui_atlas@2x-2.png in 54ms
04/12 16:00:11 Debug: [brooengine Loaded atlas texture ui_atlas@2x-1.png in 59ms
04/12 16:00:11 Trace: [brooengine] Loaded atlas. 61ms (113ms across all threads)
04/12 16:00:11 Debug: Listening to HIDRemote
04/12 16:00:11 Info: [broker/locations] adding storage location: Internet:Name=Internet Media:Id=e268f098-04c4-4e65-af3f-38ba3c3fcecb
04/12 16:00:11 Debug: ui running on thread 1
04/12 16:00:11 Info: Kicking off main
04/12 16:00:11 Info: Creating root
04/12 16:00:11 Info: [broker/locations] media availability: Internet:Name=Internet Media:Id=e268f098-04c4-4e65-af3f-38ba3c3fcecb is online
04/12 16:00:11 Info: [broker/locations] adding storage location: MetadataService:Name=Metadata Service:Id=13769258-b70b-4243-b1d6-bd46e8257ba8
04/12 16:00:11 Info: [broker/locations] media availability: MetadataService:Name=Metadata Service:Id=13769258-b70b-4243-b1d6-bd46e8257ba8 is online
04/12 16:00:11 Info: [broker/locations] adding storage location: Offline:Name=Offline:Id=f1e4b43f-f643-47ba-b875-fd93b32a6006
04/12 16:00:11 Debug: [broker/locations/migration] start, propname: loc_29bdcae6b5fdd66627bfa1f6afceabac
04/12 16:00:11 Debug: [broker/locations] Migrating UUID based storage location, id: loc_29bdcae6b5fdd66627bfa1f6afceabac, version: 2
04/12 16:00:11 Debug: [broker/locations/migration] start, propname: loc_95a4f46022f64f5ebe6b1d13f5b3d2d6
04/12 16:00:11 Debug: [broker/locations] Migrating UUID based storage location, id: loc_95a4f46022f64f5ebe6b1d13f5b3d2d6, version: 2
04/12 16:00:11 Info: [broker/locations] adding storage location: DefaultMusicFolder:Name=Music Folder:Id=29bdcae6-b5fd-d666-27bf-a1f6afceabac
04/12 16:00:11 Info: [broker/locations/directorystoragelocation] initializing FileBrowser.Entry:  Storeva SSD, Arrow Se Arrow Series Media : /     MUSIQUE, drive availability is: False

@Lebowski And this is the RAATServer:

04/12 16:00:12 Info: Starting RAATServer v1.8 (build 783) stable on macosx
04/12 16:00:12 Debug: [easyhttp] [1] POST to,roon.internet_discovery. returned after 770 ms, status code: 200
04/12 16:00:12 Trace: [bits] updated bits, in 787ms
04/12 16:00:12 Info: [RAATServer] creating RAAT__manager
04/12 16:00:12 Info: [RAATServer]     appdata_dir  = /Users/kostiamilhakiev/Library/RAATServer
04/12 16:00:12 Info: [RAATServer]     unique_id    = 0d64d1f9-7177-4f0e-80a4-0a4b490c927f
04/12 16:00:12 Info: [RAATServer]     machine_id   = 60904ab6-d78e-889b-9842-b66f9e8faf5d
04/12 16:00:12 Info: [RAATServer]     machine_name = iMac-3
04/12 16:00:12 Info: [RAATServer]     os_version   = Mac OS X 10.14.6
04/12 16:00:12 Info: [RAATServer]     vendor       = 
04/12 16:00:12 Info: [RAATServer]     model        = 
04/12 16:00:12 Info: [RAATServer]     service_id   = d7634b85-8190-470f-aa51-6cb5538dc1b9
04/12 16:00:12 Info: [RAATServer]     is_dev       = False
04/12 16:00:12 Trace: [raatmanager] starting
04/12 16:00:12 Trace: [raatmanager/mac] FOUND id=AppleHDAEngineOutput:1B,0,1,2:0 usb_id=
04/12 16:00:12 Trace: [raatmanager/mac]       vendor=Apple Inc.                     name=Built-in Output                outname=Internal Speakers   
04/12 16:00:12 Trace: [raatmanager/mac] FOUND id=MergingRAVENNAAudioDevice:0 usb_id=
04/12 16:00:12 Trace: [raatmanager/mac]       vendor=Merging Technologies S.A.      name=Merging RAVENNA/AES67          outname=                    
04/12 16:00:12 Trace: [raatmanager] [Built-in Output] loaded config from /Users/kostiamilhakiev/Library/RAATServer/Settings/device_2ccd93ad11d1dcec1f987cb45acebd53.json
04/12 16:00:12 Trace: [raatmanager] [Merging RAVENNA/AES67] loaded config from /Users/kostiamilhakiev/Library/RAATServer/Settings/device_c25fa608901d7c59c00bfe7485bd8524.json
04/12 16:00:12 Trace: [raatmanager] [System Output] loaded config from /Users/kostiamilhakiev/Library/RAATServer/Settings/device_9b961fc2035f3dd343e04f8f136e7682.json
04/12 16:00:12 Trace: [raatmanager] initialized
04/12 16:00:12 Info: [RAATServer] running RAAT__manager
04/12 16:00:12 Trace: [raatmanager] starting discovery
04/12 16:00:12 Trace: [discovery] starting
04/12 16:00:12 Info: [discovery] [iface:] multicast recv socket is bound to
04/12 16:00:12 Info: [discovery] [iface:] multicast send socket is bound to
04/12 16:00:12 Info: [discovery] [iface:] multicast recv socket is bound to
04/12 16:00:12 Info: [discovery] [iface:] multicast send socket is bound to
04/12 16:00:12 Info: [discovery] [iface:] multicast recv socket is bound to
04/12 16:00:12 Info: [discovery] [iface:] multicast send socket is bound to
04/12 16:00:12 Info: [discovery] [iface:] multicast recv socket is bound to
04/12 16:00:12 Info: [discovery] [iface:] multicast send socket is bound to
04/12 16:00:12 Info: [discovery] unicast socket is bound to
04/12 16:00:12 Trace: [raatmanager] starting server
04/12 16:00:12 Info: [jsonserver] listening on port 9200
04/12 16:00:12 Trace: [raatmanager] announcing
04/12 16:00:13 Debug: [discovery] broadcast op is complete
04/12 16:00:13 Trace: [inetdiscovery] added device raatserver/0d64d1f9-7177-4f0e-80a4-0a4b490c927f in addr:__ADDR__
04/12 16:00:13 Trace: [inetdiscovery] added service com.roonlabs.raatserver.tcp for device raatserver/0d64d1f9-7177-4f0e-80a4-0a4b490c927f
04/12 16:00:19 Debug: [easyhttp] [2] POST to returned after 491 ms, status code: 200
04/12 16:00:19 Trace: [inetdiscovery] registered 1 devices, 1 services
04/12 16:00:23 Trace: [RAATServer] refreshing @ 10s
04/12 16:00:23 Trace: [raatmanager] announcing
04/12 16:00:23 Debug: [discovery] broadcast op is complete
04/12 16:00:23 Trace: [jsonserver] [] accepted connection
04/12 16:00:23 Trace: [jsonserver] [] GOT[LL] [1] {"request":"enumerate_devices","subscription_id":"0"}
04/12 16:00:23 Trace: [jsonserver] [] SENT [1] [nonfinal] {"status": "Success", "devices": [{"vendor": "Apple Inc.", "device_id": "AppleHDAEngineOutput:1B,0,1,2:0", "config": {"volume": {"type": "coreaudio", "device": "AppleHDAEngineOutput:1B,0,1,2:0"}, "output"
04/12 16:00:23 Trace: [jsonserver] [] GOT[LL] [2] {"request":"enable_device","device_id":"MergingRAVENNAAudioDevice:0","subscription_id":"1"}
04/12 16:00:23 Trace: [raat_wrap] creating new RAAT device
04/12 16:00:23 Trace: [RAAT::Merging RAVENNA/AES67] [info] initializing info dictionary
04/12 16:00:23 Trace: [RAAT::Merging RAVENNA/AES67] [info] inserting raat_version -> 1.1.38
04/12 16:00:23 Trace: [RAAT::Merging RAVENNA/AES67] [info] inserting protocol_version -> 3
04/12 16:00:23 Trace: [RAAT::Merging RAVENNA/AES67] [output/coreaudio] initializing MergingRAVENNAAudioDevice:0
04/12 16:00:23 Trace: [RAAT::Merging RAVENNA/AES67] [output/coreaudio] preferred buffer duration=0.050000s
04/12 16:00:23 Trace: [RAAT::Merging RAVENNA/AES67] [output/coreaudio] use max buffer size=0
04/12 16:00:23 Trace: [RAAT::Merging RAVENNA/AES67] [output/coreaudio] power of two buffer size=0
04/12 16:00:23 Trace: [RAAT::Merging RAVENNA/AES67] [output/coreaudio] force_max_volume=1
04/12 16:00:23 Trace: [RAAT::Merging RAVENNA/AES67] [output/coreaudio] resync delay=0.100000
04/12 16:00:23 Trace: [RAAT::Merging RAVENNA/AES67] [output/coreaudio] exclusivemode=1
04/12 16:00:23 Trace: [RAAT::Merging RAVENNA/AES67] [output/coreaudio] integermode=0
04/12 16:00:23 Trace: [RAAT::Merging RAVENNA/AES67] [output/coreaudio] max dsd rate=512
04/12 16:00:23 Trace: [RAAT::Merging RAVENNA/AES67] [output/alsa] enable_mqa_usb_device_support=1
04/12 16:00:23 Trace: [RAAT::Merging RAVENNA/AES67] [output/coreaudio] dsd_mode=0
04/12 16:00:23 Trace: [RAAT::Merging RAVENNA/AES67] [output/coreaudio] got 8 channels
04/12 16:00:23 Trace: [RAAT::Merging RAVENNA/AES67] [output/coreaudio]     (phys) srate min=48000 max=48000 srate=48000 formatid=6c70636d formatflags=00000009 bytesperpacket=32 framesperpacket=1 bytesperframe=32 channelsperframe=8 bitsperchannel=32
04/12 16:00:23 Trace: [RAAT::Merging RAVENNA/AES67] [output/coreaudio]     (phys) srate min=44100 max=44100 srate=44100 formatid=6c70636d formatflags=00000009 bytesperpacket=32 framesperpacket=1 bytesperframe=32 channelsperframe=8 bitsperchannel=32
04/12 16:00:23 Trace: [RAAT::Merging RAVENNA/AES67] [output/coreaudio] initialized
04/12 16:00:23 Trace: [RAAT::Merging RAVENNA/AES67] [info] inserting unique_id -> aeb83cd4-eafe-d575-c92f-6faf5a0fa956
04/12 16:00:23 Trace: [RAAT::Merging RAVENNA/AES67] [info] inserting vendor -> N/A
04/12 16:00:23 Trace: [RAAT::Merging RAVENNA/AES67] [info] inserting model -> N/A
04/12 16:00:23 Trace: [RAAT::Merging RAVENNA/AES67] [info] inserting version -> N/A
04/12 16:00:23 Info: [RAAT::Merging RAVENNA/AES67] [server] listening on port 52957
04/12 16:00:23 Trace: [raat_wrap] starting RAAT device
04/12 16:00:23 Trace: [jsonserver] [] SENT [1] [nonfinal] {"status": "DeviceChanged", "device": {"vendor": "Merging Technologies S.A.", "device_id": "MergingRAVENNAAudioDevice:0", "config": {"unique_id": "aeb83cd4-eafe-d575-c92f-6faf5a0fa956", "volume": null, "o
04/12 16:00:23 Trace: [jsonserver] [] SENT [2] [nonfinal] {"status": "Success"}
04/12 16:00:23 Trace: [RAAT::Merging RAVENNA/AES67] [server] [] accepted connection
04/12 16:00:23 Trace: [RAAT::Merging RAVENNA/AES67] [session] [] created: 0x7fc7cdf37d30 (0x7fc7cf9eae28)
04/12 16:00:23 Trace: [RAAT::Merging RAVENNA/AES67] [server] new script with name=raat.dat:base.lua module=base
04/12 16:00:23 Trace: [RAAT::Merging RAVENNA/AES67] [session] [] pre-loading lua module base
04/12 16:00:23 Trace: [RAAT::Merging RAVENNA/AES67] [server] [] SENT[LL] [1] {"status": "Success"}
04/12 16:00:23 Trace: [RAAT::Merging RAVENNA/AES67] [server] new script with name=raat.dat:dkjson.lua module=dkjson
04/12 16:00:23 Trace: [RAAT::Merging RAVENNA/AES67] [session] [] pre-loading lua module dkjson
04/12 16:00:23 Trace: [RAAT::Merging RAVENNA/AES67] [server] new script with name=raat.dat:protocol.lua module=protocol
04/12 16:00:23 Trace: [RAAT::Merging RAVENNA/AES67] [session] [] pre-loading lua module protocol
04/12 16:00:23 Trace: [RAAT::Merging RAVENNA/AES67] [server] [] SENT[LL] [2] {"status": "Success"}
04/12 16:00:23 Trace: [RAAT::Merging RAVENNA/AES67] [server] [] SENT[LL] [3] {"status": "Success"}
04/12 16:00:23 Trace: [RAAT::Merging RAVENNA/AES67] [server] new script with name=raat.dat:roon_tcp.lua module=(null)
04/12 16:00:23 Trace: [RAAT::Merging RAVENNA/AES67] [session] [] executing lua script
04/12 16:00:23 Trace: [RAAT::Merging RAVENNA/AES67] [lua@0x7fc7ce83e008] []  [roon] clock socket listening on udp
04/12 16:00:23 Trace: [RAAT::Merging RAVENNA/AES67] [lua@0x7fc7ce83e008] []  [roon] audio socket listening on tcp
04/12 16:00:23 Trace: [RAAT::Merging RAVENNA/AES67] [lua@0x7fc7ce83e008] []  [roon] output info {"config": {"name": "Merging RAVENNA/AES67", "exclusive_mode": true, "type": "coreaudio", "device": "MergingRAVENNAAudioDevice:0", "force_max_volume": true}}
04/12 16:00:23 Trace: [RAAT::Merging RAVENNA/AES67] [server] [] SENT[LL] [1] {"status": "Success"}
04/12 16:00:23 Trace: [RAAT::Merging RAVENNA/AES67] [lua@0x7fc7ce83e008] []  GOT [2] {"request":"info"}
04/12 16:00:23 Trace: [RAAT::Merging RAVENNA/AES67] [lua@0x7fc7ce83e008] []  SENT [2] {"output":{"info":{"config":{"name":"Merging RAVENNA/AES67","type":"coreaudio","exclusive_mode":true,"force_max_volume":true,"device":"MergingRAVENNAAudioDevice:0"}},"supported
04/12 16:00:23 Trace: [RAAT::Merging RAVENNA/AES67] [lua@0x7fc7ce83e008] []  GOT [3] {"request":"set_client_type","client_type":"Roon"}
04/12 16:00:23 Trace: [RAAT::Merging RAVENNA/AES67] [lua@0x7fc7ce83e008] []  SENT [3] {"status":"Success"}
04/12 16:00:23 Trace: [RAAT::Merging RAVENNA/AES67] [lua@0x7fc7ce83e008] []  GOT [4] {"request":"subscribe_transport"}
04/12 16:00:23 Trace: [RAAT::Merging RAVENNA/AES67] [lua@0x7fc7ce83e008] []  GOT [5] {"request":"subscribe_controls","controller_id":"46de899c-dda6-4f0c-96ab-85af12b3c103"}
04/12 16:00:23 Trace: [RAAT::Merging RAVENNA/AES67] [lua@0x7fc7ce83e008] []  SENT [5] {"action":"Changed","status":"Success","controls":[]}

Sorry, thought you were a French speaker - in a nutshell, I suggested you restart your Roon in English - several users reported bugs when using other language versions when version 1.8 was launched.

Looks like Roon thinks it (or Ravenna is telling Roon) only support 48Khz sampling:

04/12 16:00:23 Trace: [RAAT::Merging RAVENNA/AES67] [output/coreaudio] (phys) srate min=48000 max=48000 srate=48000 formatid=6c70636d formatflags=00000009 bytesperpacket=32

Might be worth waiting for support as they can talk you through sending the complete logs to them

Just guessing here – but isn’t 48kHz a limitation of your virtual audio device? From the Merging Virtual Audio Device guide:

Roon picks up the sample rates that are advertised by the driver.


Ah RTFM :slight_smile: perhaps I should’ve googled that first :slight_smile:

Also, isn’t he supposed to install this on Mac OS?

@RBM @Lebowski This is a very good guess. But my sound engineer friend who encouraged me to buy this equipment tells me that the HAPI must receive and return all frequencies. I talked to him again on the phone this morning before I interviewed the community. He is definite on this point.

But I hypothesize that there is a tuning problem between HAPI and ROON. That’s why my title question is specific, to get the opinion of someone who knows both systems.

Contacting the MERGING company (creator of HAPI) about this is far too complicated, even though they created the NADAC which is ROON compatible… So I hope the Roon technical @support will take a look here. I’ll throw a red smoke!


I, of course !, have the complete program running with the HAPI. :slight_smile:

Have you installed the premium driver and changed the freq in their control panel?

@thebiglebowski Oui :slight_smile:

@KDM can you show screenshot of your Aneman layout?

I use Merging Anubis with Roon (and other audio programs) on macOS with VAD, with no issues. Up to PCM353kHz and DSD256.


The sample rate zone is only 44,1 ?!?!

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