Texte en Francais dans Qobuz [Text in French in Qobuz]

Core sur synology
En France sur Qobuz, les descriptions des artistes ou des albums sont en Francais, mais quand on demarre Qobuz par Roon,on est dirige sur des textes en anglais pour decrire les artistes ou les albums.
Est il possible d’etre dirige vers des texte en Francais?

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Core on synology
In France on Qobuz, the descriptions of artists or albums are in French, but when we start Qobuz by Roon, we are directed on texts in English to describe artists or albums.
Is it possible to be directed to French text?
Thank you.

Hello @Fredy_Sgard,

Thanks for contacting us, can you please share a Screenshot of what you’re seeing?


(Translated by Google)
Bonjour @Fredy_Sgard,

Merci de nous avoir contacté, pouvez-vous partager une capture d’écran de ce que vous voyez?


How can Wenger havé thé franchise translation

Hi @Philippe_Lechenne,

I am not quite sure what you meant in your previous message, but if you’d like to help out with the Roon french translation, you can let the french translation team know of your interest:

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