Tidal - "error loading page" - always “synching library now” [Ticket In]

Sure - @ 6:52am EST I used my PC to open ROON and go to the TIDAL page and got the same error message (but, again, when I check Tidal in settings it’s NOT always “synching library now” at it before this new build).

I also used my iPad to open ROON and go to the TIDAL page @ 6:55am EST and got the same result as above.

PS: Despite having worked a short time ago, now it appears that when I add an Album from the TIDAL app it is NOT showing up in ROON for me. So that’s the same problem I reported at first:

"When I add albums from Tidal within ROON they show up fine - the problem seem to be when I’ve added things to my Tidal library within the Tidal app. But the albums I’ve added are in the general “Your Favorites” in the Tidal section of ROON just not in my ROON library. And under tracks in the Tidal section it says " Failed to load tracks :frowning: “”

Thanks for staying on this…

Hi @Eric_Luther,

Thank you for letting me know the new timestamps. I have been checking our diagnostics servers to see if the new log report has been delivered, but it appears not to have been uploaded properly.

Can I kindly request that you send me a manual copy of your Roon logs instead? You can use these instructions to access them and I will private message you a link where you can upload them.

I would like to check to see if you are getting similar error messages in the logs with the new build as you were getting in the old build. Thanks!

Did I ever do this?

Hi @Eric_Luther,

I am not seeing any files in the folder I private messaged you. Is the behavior still the same in the new build? If so can you please upload a new set of logs to the link in your private message and let me know once you have done so? Thanks!

I just uploaded the support package as well as the manually zipped logs to the folder link you sent me…thanks!

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Hi @Eric_Luther,

Thanks for sending those over, I have requested further feedback from QA and once I have that I will reach out once more. Thanks!

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