UI on Catalina has light titlebar on macOS with dark mode enabled

The UI on macOS Catalina 10.15.4 with the Dark mode still has a light title bar.
Please see screenshots.

Screen Shot 2020-05-25 at 4.43.15 PM


Hi @roon_lover_007,

I checked with the team on this and, currently, Roon does not fully support macOS dark theme. I would recommend also posting your suggestion in the Feature Request section of the site.

Our product team and developers keep a close eye on that category, so that’s definitely the best place to propose a change like this and get feedback from the Community.

Thanks for the feedback!

Hi @dylan,

Thank you.
I shall.

1 Like

This works for me and looks much more consistent.

I correct myself - titlebar is black now with the defaults command, however the search window text entry is now invisible.
Also, Roon 1.8, 764 now also has broken the titlebar of iOS Apps - it is now light too. Why do the Roon developers not understand the concept of the OS light/dark theme in macOS/iOS?

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