Unable to log into Tidal after updating Roon software (ref#3FG27Q)

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I'm having trouble playing music

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I updated the Roon software and cannot log into Tidal

What kind of Roon Server are you using?

IF it’s a 3rd-party server (possibly a bit old) or an outdated Linux distribution, chances are that you are experiencing this issue:

If you can’t update the OS or the mentioned components, you might be able to fix this with:

Also take a look the new help article:

I face the same problem and it is ridiculous that updating software with Tidal never come back. Software update should be compatible with previous hardware and OS. I have been using ROON for 3 years and this build 1382 is the worst ever (update)

It is. It’s your server’s software that has allowed to become outdated. Complain to your server manufacturer

A post was merged into an existing topic: I’m having issues accessing Roon services or Tidal / Qobuz / KKBOX after the latest update (build 1382) [See Staff Post - Manual Fix Avaliable]

Hey @lfyeung88,

I’ve merged your thread into the larger tracking thread on your issue - which also contains a manual fix for the time being. If you’re not able to get things up and running after going through the steps on the tracking thread, please let me know (you can tag me directly at @benjamin.)
