After clicking “Update all” in the ROON App yesterday no remotes will now connect to the Nucleus. The Logo spins on start up and never proceeds further. Sometimes after many attempts of turn off/on the App displays “connect to Nucleus” which I follow. If the app starts it has with no music library, will not connect to TIDAL, has no audio devices displayed and will not function. If using the “system status” link in the App “menu” when it does launch, the status is reporting all to be “OK”. Once in “System Status” I’ve tried Reinstall OS, Restart Server for no change.
I have the remote app on 3 devices (Phone, iPad Pro and PC) all behave the same way with spinning logo that will not progress.
the Nucleus is accessible from the computer via the network and you can explore the drive.
HELP! this has been 18 hours with out access to my music and for an audiophile that’s an eternity!
Next I would try rebooting everything (network, nucleus, PC, etc.). If you have not tried it already?
Shut all of them down and then start one piece of equipment at time, starting at the modem, letting each one (modem, pc, then Nucleus) start up fully before starting the next one.
This was a shot yesterday when I did manage to get onto the webUI for a moment. Not been able since to get to it since though as the apps just spins.
As mentioned tried the reinstall OS, restart sever, and reboot functions. All to no avail. If i turn off and restart the app launches to the Login page then after entering password and user name the app spins indefinitely.
Hope it helps.
Wondering if my internet service provider or router is blocking it? Strange though as I can see the nucleus on my network on the PC and can even access the data folder.
Have you tried rebooting everything from scratch , Modem - Router etc included. Then restart each component in turn waiting until everything is ready before moving on ??
You don’t need a running remote to reach the webUI - if you know the IP address of your Nucleus you can just type that into a browser. If the Nucleus is inaccessible from any app, doing this will still access that page, presuming your Nucleus is running.
If you click/paste this URL in your web browser, do you see the Web GUI there?
Please post a fresh screen shot.
And secondly, make sure your remote device is on the same network. (Check through settings-network-info, make sure it is awarded an IP from the same range as the nucleus.,
OK. thanks for the webUI tip but currently no I can’t access it. Screen shot above shows it timing out yet second screen shot shows the Nucleus clearly on my network and accessible. 3rd is Roon app on every device. I’m not an IT genius but I kinda know my way around a PC better than most of my peers so any more help would be appreciated.
Can you access your router’s admin pages to look at the list of connected devices to check your Nucleus’s IP address? It looks to me as though it is no longer…
Ok, so we know that your Nucleus is accessible via its IP address, and via your Windows File Explorer. So the next question is why your remotes are not able to connect.
Can you restart the Roon Server software on your Nucleus via the web admin page to see if that helps?
I’m Assuming the Music Folder is the internal SSD? but yes, once I installed the SSD internal drive I disabled the NAS (GOFLEX) directories you can see.
Should I try to add the SSD again? does the “Music Folder” refer to the SSD do you think?