Volume control on ipad & iphone [Available in Build 831]

Hi there - I used the Roon free trial for 3 months. I will not continue, because this feature is not implemented for Android (or iPhone) and it seems despite a huge number of requests for years it has been ignored. Really, it is somewhat pathetic that such an expensive music solution cannot do this, when Sonos, Spotify, Tidal etc. all allow volume modulation using a phone’s hardware rocker.


Dear Roon-Team,
I am also in middle of testing and lacking a volume control with the phone buttons is really disappointing. This will truly lead to cancelling my subscritption.

Thanks to @Boris_Schaedler for the great app. It got many things the Roon app is missing. Maybe pay Boris for creating that solution and integrate it into Roon.

Stay save,


Please Roon Team, add this feature :frowning: For many of my friends it will be the killer feature that will make or break Roons success and number of subscriptions. Its a must have feature really.

Yeah agree with all above… day 1 user… one of the things I miss most….

What did @Boris_Schaedler write that fixes or adds many things Roon is missing? iOS hardware volume control?

Hey Larry,

please check

  • Adds a media style notification for a Roon output to the status bar and lock screen
  • Shows current title meta data on the lock screen
  • Controls the volume of a Roon output with the volume hardware buttons of your device (if the volume of the selected output can be controlled through Roon, of course)


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Replace ‘iOS’ with ‘Android’ :wink:

Appears to be Andriod only.

Sorry, can’t replace my phone. Please confirm this is Android only?

Yes, Android only. Sorry.

yes, the message is roon team should implement that.

They can’t without changing the cross-platform framework though I’d love to be proved wrong.

Sure seems they would have by now if they could.

As far as I know they use xamarin, so it would be no problem adding some platform-specific code for Android/iOS…
They could if they wanted to.

People have been asking for it for years and years now. It must not be so trivial or at least I have to believe this is the case. We never can really know with the closed mind of Roon.

I believe I read the platform is Qt but I’m not confident.

Any update on this? It’s possible in so many apps, why not Roon?

Here’re some coding examples for intercepting volume button presses:

    __block id volumeObserver;
    volumeObserver = [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserverForName:@"AVSystemController_SystemVolumeDidChangeNotification" object:nil queue:nil usingBlock:^(NSNotification *note) {
        // your code goes here

Still not possible to use hard volume keys in rune app?

This is now available in the latest release, Build 831: