I’m wondering what exact steps you took here Geoff, did you do something on the Qobuz client that allowed you to tag easier or automatically in Roon?
I’m wondering what exact steps you took here Geoff, did you do something on the Qobuz client that allowed you to tag easier or automatically in Roon?
I manually do it when I remember same for bandcamp.
Exactly. Just to see my Qobuz purchases in the “my Qobuz Page” Nothing more and nothing less. Why is it seen as an extra feature? It just should be there but for apparent reasons banned from Roon. It was there when Qobuz was implemented but disappeared when it caused search-problems amongst other things. Roon promised to solve the software issues but probably never succeeded to do so.
Exactly. Just to see my Qobuz purchases in the “my Qobuz Page” Nothing more and nothing less. Why is it seen as an extra feature? It just should be there but for apparent reasons banned from Roon. It was there when Qobuz was implemented but disappeared when it caused search-problems amongst other things. Roon promised to solve the software issues but probably never succeeded to do so.
They should have left it. Other apps work the same as Roons did with this and they don’t have an issue
Completely agree
Not automatic, just manual. Looked at the display of Qobuz purchases in the Qobuz app - which are displayed in date purchased order, and compared it with the display of my local albums shown in date added order. Selected the Qobuz albums as a multiple selection and added the tag.
I add my own “Qobuz Owned” tag to purchases made and downloaded. Same for “Bandcamp Owned” and every other digital source.
I did make it easy on myself, as I keep Qobuz purchased music under a base directory Qobuz, so I can add the tag in one step to all such purchased albums.
@RJ_V - I take it that your request is primarily related to viewing what you’ve purchased rather than using that tab (in the Qobuz section) to play your purchase. I’m assuming that you have downloaded the purchased albums and they are stored locally. Is that correct? Or are you actually wanting to use the Purchases tab to stream music directly from Qobuz?
Your general request seems reasonable, although not a feature that I would use. This is despite owning many Qobuz purchases - downloaded and accessed via My Library.
Having said that I can see why Roon don’t show the Purchases tab. The assumption is that somebody will have downloaded their purchases. Accessing these purchases via the Qobuz Purchases tab will mean that the non-library version is played. Access to library and non-library versions does seem to confuse many Roon users and this could add to that confusion. I have to say that the whole library/non-library issue doesn’t confuse me, but apparently it is an issue.
As others have said, you would be well served by making this a Feature Request.
As we see - all sorts of ways to work around something which should have been there in the first place - Qobuz Purchases under the “My Qobuz” tab in the Qobuz section. Soooo much easier and user friendly.
Audirvana 3.5 and Studio both allow you to see your Qobuz purchases and also the HiResAudio virtual vault ( Albeit can be a bit slow to load ). If you have a large amount of purchased albums it is handy, as if you do not have a large amount of hard drive space there is no need to download large HiRes files and fill up your hard drive. Still recommend downloading any purchases on an external hard drive for backUp purposes though.
You could create a tag and add it each time you buy something although this sort of repetitive simple task is the sort of thing algorithms are supposed to do for you in modern computing
I’d prefer something else: a link that would take us directly from the Qobuz album in Roon to the purchase page at Qobuz. Right know it’s a several click process and involves switching apps.
Exactly. This is what bothers me as well.
This question should not be too difficult to answer, as it’s just an additional page in Qobuz presentations (news, favorites aso…) called “purchased albums”… Audirvana do this since a very very long time and I guess Roon could implement this feature without any difficulty ? Ok it takes more than an hour… Qobuz probably offers a specific software output channel to collect the data RJ_V ask for.
If someone knows why this coulldn’t be possible please let us know ?
Thanks for your support Michael.
I believe that makes you a ‘tagging nerd’ Geoff
I don’t think so - I only have 9 tags defined, and 3 of those were tests…
Hi RJ,
The ability to have Qobuz purchases was specifically removed in release 1.6 build (401); and the reasons why it was removed was also provided (copied below).
Finally, we’ve made the decision to remove Qobuz “purchases” from Roon for now. Purchased content can still be “favorited” on Qobuz and synced to your library, and purchases can always be downloaded and imported into your library. Syncing purchased content to your Roon library has been confusing and frustrating for a number of users, so for now support for syncing and streaming of Qobuz purchases has been disabled.
The use of “…for now…” certainly leaves the door open for its return. So, the post really should be asking Roon directly, if/when, that ability will return. Leaving that part out, leaves newer users who might not know the history with the impression it was just something that had been forgotten by Devs.
As for Feature Requests on this issue, there already is one:
Since you had responded in that Feature Request thread, I’m not sure why you didn’t mention it after other users were suggesting making such a thread.
For reasons mentioned above.