Who has a turntable in their setup?

I’ve recently rediscovered vinyl and was curious how many of you also have the analog bug.

  • Currently has a turntable
  • Had a turntable last century
  • What’s a turntable?

0 voters


If by last century you mean the 1970’s, then yes as marked.

I clicked on “last century” but, to be completely honest, I still have 2.5 turntables. OTOH, I have sold all my vinyl.Turntable

I have a turntable, and it is connected to my main system. But I haven’t played anything on it for about 10 years. All my vinyl was bought before 1985.


Yep, I bought a new phono section for it this year too. It sits next to the reel to reel tape player.


Yes. Jumped back in big time in October with a new cartridge and about to pull the plug on a new phono stage. All of a sudden I like washing LPs, putting them in new sleeves, tightening down the record clamp, etc.

New TT in my sights too. Who woulda thought. :blush:



I have a Rega P3, rarely used but every now and again I hear a brickwalled anomaly and rather than search for a earlier costly CD version to buy simply put the vinyl on.



You’ve just reminded me I have two TTs and a phono stage boxed in the garage and ready to be sold because I’ll never use them. LP12 and Music Hall 7.1.


Technics SL1210 mk2 with Atvm95ml cart.

Absolutely love it and probably use for about 75% of my listening.

I’m 48 and been collecting records since I was a kid so they’ll always be my favoured source material. I listen to a lot of Jazz and it just sounds so right on vinyl.


I have 2 TT’s.
1 Rega planar 3 with cartridge Rega Exact and a Rega Phono.
2 Denon DP-400 with cartridge Ortofon MC1 Turbo on the Phono input PMA 2500NE.

I buy and play a lof of vinyl.


Pro-Ject 1 Xpression Carbon UKX used for occasional retrospectives and to play gifts from my son–we share new and unusual vinyl at Christmas and birthdays.

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I have a Technics SL-7 don’t really use it though.

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I’ve not owned a record player since school, having bought a first generation CD player when at uni.

Strangely enough I have a lot of vinyl as a lot of LPs these days come with digital downloads.

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I have a Linn LP12, and I absolutely love it.
I’ve had it for 32 years, and hope to get another 32 out of it!


“Souped up” technics with sme arm and detachable head-shell to easily swap cartridges between stereo and mono since they started the trend of mono reissue.
I have recorded all of my vinyl though for ease when I’m feeling lazy.

A rarely used Linn LP-12.

Pro-ject Debut Carbon Esprit
(what a name :roll_eyes: but it’s a nice turntable for the money)

Usually play Roon, but a couple of times a year I listen to some records. Also got a repress of “the golden record” which is much more fun than a digital file…



everday used Technics sl1200gr MC cartridge Lehmann decade preamp. Records collection1968/1995
okkinokki plus ultrasonic recordcleanining

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Also spent some sundays with the Knosti Disco Antistat (again what a name…) to clean my collection and added new sleeves. Works remarkably well!

I’ve got no CD collection, only LP’s, some digital files and Qobuz. When the world ends I need my record collection :joy:


We need a Show off your (Roon System) Turntable thread.

I have two:

an Avid Diva II SP with a Rega RB303 arm, and a Soundsmith Zephyr III:

Phono stage is an Avid Pellar. Roon in this case is via a Logitech (neé Slim Devices) Transporter.

2nd TT is a Rega P3/Soundsmith Otello, with a Schiit Modi phonostage.

Roon is via an RPi4/RopieeeXL into the Quad VA-One+.