Hi, cannot connect to Nucleus+, stuck in 1.8 Legacy version and failing to identify the correct upgrade to 2.0.
I tried to reboot and restart Roon server to no avail.
Ideas anyone???
Hi, cannot connect to Nucleus+, stuck in 1.8 Legacy version and failing to identify the correct upgrade to 2.0.
I tried to reboot and restart Roon server to no avail.
Ideas anyone???
Yes, it also happened to me. Nucleus / Rock has downgraded to 1.8 ! It was on 2.0 before…
Don’t try the branches folder with the roon_2.0 file renamed as roon (with content Production). It does not work.
Seems Roon team has screwed-up it’s branching system.
It’s a shame, it shows a great lack of testing. When doing cloud application, at this price, I expect support to reply and solve issue quickly: Here it happened during the week-end without workaround.
Only “workaround”: Use the roon legacy remote.
Let’s hope it will get fixed by Monday, Wednesday at worst.
I also see this same window with a Nucleus. I am not able to connect to the Core in this state, and there is no evident way to initiate an update to a 2.0 core. Therefore I seem to be dead in the water. I rebooted my nucleus and reinstalled/reset everything using the web admin interface. No help. Suggestions?
Roon updated to 2.0 allright, and the two remotes (Iphone and Ipad) also updated: everything fine
This evening I started the remote on the Ipad to listen some music and I had the warning of different versions: Roon on Rock (build 227) went back to 1.8 Legacy by itself (v.1126), no option to update
I restarted Rock and then no connection possible
From the PC same issue: it says Update requested, but no way to update
From the web interface no way to update
I downloaded Remote 1.8 Legacy: still unable to connect
I followed instructions to download Roon 2.0 installer in Rock\Data\branches
After Rock reinstall and reboot still no difference (still on 1.8) but at least able to connect with remote 1.8 Legacy
What’s happening here?
At least I’d love to have a warning when an unrequested downgrade that requires new software is happening
As Xavier said you can work with the 1.8 legacy.
Download the Roon legacy 1.8 app, this can connect to your 1.8 Core.
But I must say when I did this all config in this “new” app has to be done from scratch (local shares, audio devices…)
At least we have a working system.
And I do hope this will be fixed come Monday
Exactly the same here. I was using ARC fine, then rebooted ROCK/CORE after adding some new music. Now its 1.8 again.
How can I force an update?
I updated my Nucleus yesterday to 2.0 and downloaded ARC and everything was working fine. Now my Nucleus is back to 1.8 and the app on my phone is 2.0 and is incompatible. There appears to be no “update now” option
You can go to your phone’s app store and install Roon Remote (Legacy) that is 1.8 until you get your core back on 2.0.
Thanks Jim. If you look at the the other users, many people are having the same problem. It seems as if the software has a mind of its own and reverts back for no reason.
Yes, I think you’re correct. Roon will figure that out tomorrow.
one suer posted this…"Yes, it also happened to me. Nucleus / Rock has downgraded to 1.8 ! It was on 2.0 before…
Don’t try the branches folder with the roon_2.0 file renamed as roon (with content Production). It does not work.
Seems Roon team has screwed-up it’s branching system.
It’s a shame, it shows a great lack of testing. When doing cloud application, at this price, I expect support to reply and solve issue quickly: Here it happened during the week-end without workaround.
Only “workaround”: Use the roon legacy remote.
Let’s hope it will get fixed by Monday, Wednesday at worst."
I have the same problem!
I’m going to check the logs later. But one has posted issues connecting to the server. So I’m not sure if they’re down or just not communicating, or picking up the file in the branches folder.
Same issue here on Nucleus.
SInce Roon did not reply, I did reinstall my Rock from a USB Key
Quit Roon Remote, Launch Roon Remote again ==> Can’t connect. The Roon remote keeps on Connecting…
What a mess…
Nuc is working a lot, I hear because of the fans, it must be indexing…
But while indexing, I should be able to connect.
Very very disappointed in Roon software. I may resign…
I will not go trough the hassle of reinstalling everything, that’s for sure, will wait for a fix
The roon 2.0 installer in Data\branches is not working (not for me), but at least after it I’ve been able to connect again using Remote Legacy (which was not working in the beginning, still reporting I was on two different version).
No option to update.
looking at this now, give us a bit
Good morning Danny… Any luck in solving this mystery where the nucleus reverts back to legacy 1.8 after a 2.0 install?
Hi Danny,
Not one but two big issues:
Please keep us informed.
In my setup: Roon Rock (as server + another Roon Rock as endpoint) + Roon Remote Android is 100% unusable for now !
I fixed this and reported in another thread.
A bit of perseverance required.
My rock NUC core went back to 1.8 of its own accord after a restart.
The solution was
download 1.8 legacy remote app to a phone or similar. (I didn’t remove the 2.0 remote app)
connect your core as normal in this app.
go to settings/about - after an hour of checking it finally prompted me to update the core which I did. Wait for the update to complete.
connect to core again using the 2.0 app.
now back on 2.0 - delete the legacy remote app.