Worst Album Covers (any genre)

For Christmas, my eldest daughter bought me this rather huge book on album covers. Perhaps y’all have seen it. It is quite something. Causes spinal damage to pick it up.

When we moved to cassettes and CDs, we lost a lot in album art. Even bad album art is interesting art.


I have a copy of chaotic dischords banned album cover but I would probably offend people here posting it. It is probably the most immature I have though!
It’s still less tasteless than the Rolf Harris one above though!

Is it the goat one?

so does Amazon !!

Obscene to be heard, the cartoon orgy one.

More from the sexually repressed '50s -


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Andre Montero and his Orchestra…
Arrangements by Warren Baker

Now, that’s a hidden gem…not just because I always wanted to buy a theremin (cost has made me think twice & appparently difficult to play properly).

Ilona Staller AKA Cicciolina. Pornstar then politician was elected to the Italian parlIament whilst in office, and before the outset of the Gulf War, she offered to have sex with Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein in return for peace in the region.


The Italian Roonies can speak to this, but I think the connotation of ‘Cicciolina’ is ‘little piece of meat’.

In Amerika, we would say ‘piece of chicken’.

Enjoy -

Cheaper than a guitar -

Should be able to learn it while you’re COVID-19 sheltering. :laughing:


Oh - you’re all over this Slim. :sunglasses:

I’m a Bandcamp regular, alas of late I’ve not done much reading & totally missed the post. I just generally check my feed or search for some music, buy etc. Haven’t had the time for extras.

That moog theremin seems the standard or at least the basic norm these days. I see that exact model for double the price out here in Aus on special. Not only do we get smashed with exchange rate, there’s shipping, duty etc. However at double the price for a small device, that seems excessive to be double+.

However, I guess it’s good to see they aren’t crazy prices like I had remembered.

Lava lamp, theremin - no excuses not to play along with Good Vibrations!

(No COVID sheltering for me, I’m an 'essential’ worker.)


And another one from him :rofl:


Bonnet - rather apt name for his headgear. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

but the guy was named Wayne Cochran

funky :slight_smile:


Golden Earring

3 posts were split to a new topic: Exchange rates discussion

The Wayne Cochran video was great!

@mikeb, @cinematic -

I am confused about Wayne’s persona.

The ‘Music to Bury Your Dreams By’ is pure Country-Western sentiment.
Not to mention the Conray Twitty hair.

The funky video is pure early James Brown, what with the cape, hair and attitude. All that’s missing is an onstage collapse and members of his posse rushing to carry him off.

I guess he threw a bunch of sticky stuff against the proverbial wall.

and in the end he was a priest in florida (says wikipedia)

and Jaco Pastorius once played bass in his band

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