1.3 linux: cant find storage

After purging my system entirely of all 1.2 configurations and files, I reinstalled the package using the current link from the RoonLabs site: http://download.roonlabs.com/builds/RoonServer_linuxx64.tar.bz2

Core is no longer pegged to 100%, Roon service seems to start OK but iOS apps cannot connect.

“Looking for remote libraries”
Choose your Core

then cycles through:

  • Initializing…

Different log now from/var/roon/RAATServer/Logs

I dunno, I’m used to doing my own @support on Linux, np, but I haven’t been using Roon that long, is there something I’m missing? Previous 1.2 install was a 5 minutes and off and running thing.

Could you zip up and upload all the files in /var/roon/RoonServer/Logs?

02/01 18:59:56 Warn: Error in web request https://push.roonlabs.com/push/1/connect: NetworkError (Aborted.)

This is repeated in my log file if I watch in real time … so just overloaded or?

Eventually Connecting progressed to “Ready”, I made it to the “Choose Music Storage Folder” but there are no choices, it’s empty.

Is there an email I can send these log files?

I sent a PM with instructions to upload someplace we can get at the files.

ignore the push stuff, its not causing any issues

can you paste a screenshot of the ‘choose music storage folder’ screen?

Oops I think my reply disappeared when this was split. I can’t reliably get to the choose storage screen. Stuck on Choose your Core: Initializing / Connecting. I’ll take a screenshot if I see that screen again!

Is there a link to this updated build that can be installed manually? I currently cannot connect to roonserver on Arch Linux after a crash configuring audio device … so updating from the app is not an option.

RoonAppliance pegs a core of my CPU to 100% then all Roon processes stop and restart in an endless loop until the service is stopped. 20+ log files exactly like this have been generated


I’m afraid I can’t reliably get to that step, things are mostly halted at Choose Your Core: connecting / initializing. I will add a screenshot later if possible !
Version 1.3 Build 193