Discograpy empty for several artists after 788 update

Core Machine (Operating system/System info/Roon build number)

OS: Ubuntu Linux 20.04.2
Roon version: 1.8 788

Network Details (Including networking gear model/manufacturer and if on WiFi/Ethernet)

Not relevant

Audio Devices (Specify what device you’re using and its connection type - USB/HDMI/etc.)

Not relevant

Description Of Issue

After the update to 788, the discography on several artists have become empty.

It seems to affect all artists not linked to Valence.

So any artist that has been manually created in Roon now has blank Discography.
For me, listening to somewhat obscure music, this affects a large percentage of my library.


Album exists:

Tracks are visible in the overview, but that is all:

Discography is empty:

Logs can be downloaded from here:


I’m seeing the same behaviour.

Hi @Jan_Terje_Hansen

Thanks for reaching out to us, we appreciate it! We have a ticket open for this issue and will be investigating further. You have our apologies for the trouble.


Having the same issue as well.

Im seeing a list of songs when I select discography

Same here.

It’s any album that is “unidentified”.

I’m having the same issue !

Add me to the list too. My drivers are up to date. Annoying.

Same here…I’m always going this way to select music, so this is a big set back, hope it’s solved soon.

Add me to the list as well. Like Erik this is a major set back for me. A couple of notes on some artists it does not even show “Discography”, just “Overview”. Where there are multiple primary artists on an album the album only shows up under one artists name. This is true for unidentified albums but also some identified albums. It appears to be most prevalent when there is only one album in my library for a particular artist.

I also have this problem. So far I have noticed this for one performer.

Same issue here, many artist without discography, but if i do a search the albums are there, very strange.

Same problem here

I have exactly the same problem

I am experiecing the same problem, and also have corupted thumbnails only on the server. I asume there is no way to roll back the update?

same here…

Same here.

And the same here:

Hi Dylan,

Any updates on this?
Has it been reproduced by the QA team?

I can easily reproduce this myself, and can also send several examples, if you need more information.