I listen to Radio Paradise a lot, in part to discover new artists. I’m a new ROON user, stream to various home Bluesound devices with Qobuz. On the BlueOS app and, obviously, the Radio Paradise app, I can simply & quickly see what is playing when something interests me. I don’t see a way to do that on ROON.
If there is, could someone point me to it? Thanks!
P.S. The BluOS has a feature that, when you click the song, it gives you the option to go to the artist on Qobuz. Does ROON have the equivalent? Sorry if this is a dumb question but it’s a primary reason I have a streaming service like Qobuz, i.e. discovery.
Wow, thanks for the quick response! I noticed the issue 1st on my PC but just checked and found the same thing on my android tab. And you’re right, the streams showing the metadata indication (-flacm) has it. I can make that my default and at least be able dig it out manually. The BluOS implementation has really spoiled me I guess. Thanks so much. Dan
Thanks @BrianW for checking back!
Had forgotten about it all together
All working as expected now on Android, Win10 Laptop Remote and Win10 Core PC.
Case closed for me…