Is there a feature in Roon today for scheduling playlists?

Is there a feature in Roon today for scheduling playlists?

I mean I would love to play the playlist Morning ritual in bedroom on shuffle from 04:00 - 04:30, then mute this list.
Then I would like to play Radio news in the shower and in the kitchen from 04:30 - 06:00, then enable Work on shuffle from 06:00 through 09:30 and 21:00 through 00:00

as pr example

No but have a look at Roon Extensions.

cat /etc/issue
Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS \n \l
apt-cache search dietpi-software

Not a native Roon feature, but there’s an extension supplied by our dear member @Boris_Schaedler that does exactly what you want:

Extension manager not needed!

Is there a question implied by your post?

If you’re a command line guy I expect you could do this with Roon Command line

If you’re interested in other automation, you could also consider Home Assistant - I maintain the roon integration. This generally requires a dedicated Raspberry Pi or similar.

I’m a command line guy allright, and thank you for giving me something to play with.
However with kids in the house I would really like scheduling of playlists that is separate for each profile.

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apt-cache search dietpi-software

Did not output anything, do I have to add a repo, or is there a typo?
I see there is ECMA, do I just git clone to a certain folder and npm i after decending into the folder for this to work?

At present the python library that roon command line uses doesn’t support profiles (it just uses the default).

I maintain the python library - and have though about adding profiles - although seems there may be some issues using profiles via the roon api.

You could just make sure that the default profile can see everything you might want to play.

Use the installation method that best suites your setup:

Now I’m confused is DietPi something to run as tasksel or a separate VM all together?

What is DietPi?

DietPi is a highly optimised & minimal Debian-based Linux distribution. DietPi is extremely lightweight at its core, and also extremely easy to install and use.

You can also setup DietPi in a VM (see the documentation) but why even bother with it?

If this is your OS use the Linux install script (or the Docker install method [what I did use]).

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Is the API for making these extensions available? I only find references to these coming eventually.

I see this is ECMA centric; is there a general description or do I simply RTFECMA? Perhaps this is it? JSDoc: Class: RoonApi

Would there be any benefits in porting this to Swift?

There is a forum section for discussing the Roon API (Roon API). Your question is more likely to attract members who can answer and help if you post it there.

I support a python version (although it uses the undocumented layer underneath the roon supported node version):

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Where did you get the access / spelunk to explore the layer underneath?

The roon node wrapper source code is in their GitHub repo.

Is the wrapper named transport-websocket.js?